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发布时间:2017-12-31 00:41

  本文关键词:矢网测试装置设计及关键电路实现 出处:《电子科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 矢量网络分析仪 接收机 定向耦合器 变频电路 信号隔离

[Abstract]:Since 21th century, information, digitization, networking, intelligence has become a remarkable label in the human world, the space is full of microwave radio frequency signal, which makes the information industry develop rapidly as information. Data system, terminal foundation, microwave RF devices and components are in the explosive development stage. Testing is the basis of the development of science and technology. Vector network analyzer is the most important testing and evaluation tool for microwave RF components. We need to meet all kinds of new requirements and meet the functional, economic and practical requirements of the instrument under different circumstances. The objective of this study is to design a communication system that can meet the requirements of the communication system. In the information terminal and other industries, microwave RF circuit components scientific research and production testing requirements, can achieve the basic network parameters testing function, with very high performance and price ratio. The main work of this paper includes the following aspects: make full use of the technological progress of semiconductor industry in the following aspects: 1. Based on the advanced semiconductor technology, a multi-channel, high-performance software radio transceiver integrated circuit (AD9361) is used as the core of the receiver to design the overall implementation scheme of the system. The four-receiver channel is simplified to two channels, which not only reduces the cost of the instrument, but also avoids the interference between channels. 2. A new type of channel is designed with capacitive compensation. Traditional single-section microstrip line directional coupler is difficult to achieve the goal of wide frequency and high directivity. The performance of directional coupler can be greatly optimized by using capacitive compensation and multi-section cascade method. The reverse signal isolation module is designed to make up for the deficiency of frequency range and directivity. The characteristics of the amplifier are used to amplify the signal in the forward direction and in the reverse direction. Using a two-stage low-noise amplifier with a fixed attenuator can not only reduce the interference of the large reflection signal to the reference channel, but also compensate the excitation signal by the power divider before reaching the test piece. The loss of directional coupler and other devices. 4. Because the AD9361 can not cover the low frequency range of 300kHz / s 70MHz, a first stage up-conversion circuit is added to the front end of the device. A preamplifier and a controllable attenuator are added in front of the AD9361 chip to raise the frequency of the low frequency to 90MHz. 5. Improve the sensitivity and dynamic range of the receiver. From the system overall functional indicators, detailed analysis of each unit in the structure of the index requirements, the entire system design process. Considering all kinds of possible problems in advance, the unit modules are designed and optimized by simulation. In practice, the results of the project are tested and compared with the test results of the standard vector network analyzer. The target was successfully achieved.


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2 David Ballo;;超越S参数测试—安捷伦科技最先进的矢量网络分析仪PNA-X[J];电子测试;2007年09期

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1 焦雪平;宽带大动态标量网络分析仪的接收机设计[D];电子科技大学;2010年




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