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发布时间:2018-01-01 16:34

  本文关键词:超导直线发电机的特性研究与应用方案设计 出处:《电子科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 超导直线发电机 超导直线同步发电机 超导块材励磁 超导线圈励磁 应用方案设计

[Abstract]:The rise of superconducting materials, especially high temperature superconducting materials, has brought the revolutionary performance to the traditional high power application, including superconducting generators. Compared to the superconducting rotating generator, the superconducting linear generator due to the low temperature part does not need to rotate, with higher system stability, so the design and operation of a natural advantage. The development of Superconducting Linear Generator for wave power, Stryn, engine, and the linear expansion machine provides power generation equipment more efficient. Based on the summary of the current linear generator and superconducting linear generator development, the superconducting linear generator superconductor and superconducting coil excitation conditions are researched. In the analysis, and Maxwell respectively under the two modes of the superconducting linear synchronous generator are modeling and simulation, the quantitative superconducting linear with Step generator performance superiority over the traditional linear synchronous generator, and a detailed analysis of the properties of the motor no-load output characteristics, load characteristics and sinusoidal motion. This paper used in the design of Stryn solar power generation system in the moving coil type superconducting linear synchronous generator, and used in wave power generation superconducting synchronous generator and at the same time the application of waves the rotating linear composite superconducting switch reluctance generator. The main contents are as follows: 1. a brief introduction of the linear generator and superconducting linear generator development background, principle and characteristics of the development status and superconducting linear generator are analyzed. The working principle of Superconducting Linear Synchronous Generator Excitation and HTS Superconducting coil excitation, and carries on the analysis and the characteristics of mathematical analysis of.3. using Maxwell simulation software to establish different excitation under the superconducting straight The electromagnetic model of synchronous generator, and the simulation, study the advantage compared with the traditional synchronous generator, the no-load characteristics and load characteristics, the output characteristics of.4. Superconducting Linear Synchronous Generator and sinusoidal application under reciprocating motion is designed for a sun synchronous generation system with moving coil type superconducting linear self cooling function in Stryn power generation system, equipped with two Stryn engine respectively to linear compressor and drive the generator function, and the thermal load analysis and feasibility analysis of.5. were used in the design of wave power direct drive type superconducting linear generator can be used simultaneously and the rotating linear waves can composite superconducting switched reluctance generator through the study of this paper. And that has a superconducting linear generator no-load voltage and energy output power higher than the traditional linear generator, The influence of mover speed, magnetic field gap, excitation magnetic field and other factors on motor performance is verified. Several design application schemes are feasible and of further research value.



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