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发布时间:2018-01-02 01:37

  本文关键词:华中电网大规模水电站群短期调峰问题研究与应用 出处:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 多电网 短期调峰 水电站群 华中电网 启发式方法 不对称自适应廊道

【摘要】:随着经济快速发展、产业结构不断调整以及新能源的持续并网投运,我国主要区域电网以及大多数省级电网的峰谷差急剧拉大。对电网而言,减小峰谷差是保障其安全稳定运行的关键;而水电机组以调节能力强、调峰成本低、开停机迅速等众多优点被公认为是优质的调峰电源,尤其是水电能源作为一种可再生洁净能源,已经成为各国大力发展的战略资源而受到高度重视。因此,如何提高水电调峰能力、保障电网安全稳定运行是目前亟需解决的问题。深入开展大规模水电站群多电网环境下的短期调峰优化调度研究,不仅对充分利用水能资源具有重要的意义,而且对提高区域电网运行管理水平也具有十分重要的理论意义和工程实用价值。本文以华中电网直调水电站为研究对象,针对直调水电站同时向多个省网送电、且电站送电范围和送电比例各不相同的复杂调度问题,综合考虑各级电站发电能力和电网安全稳定运行约束,开展华中电网大规模水电站群短期调峰问题的研究与应用,建立了相应的调峰模型,提出了多种切实可行的模型求解算法,为提高华中电网安全稳定运行能力提供了理论依据和技术支持。本文的主要工作和研究成果包括:(1)对华中电网拥有大规模水电站群、且分属不同的省网及流域的工程背景进行了详细分析,采用“分层分级控制,整体优化计算”的思路将调峰优化问题划分为若干个“单站多电网”和“多站单电网”子问题进行建模和求解,按照不同河系梯级“分层”、同一河系电站“分级”的原则以行政区域、河系、送电范围对各个电站进行划分。该原则能够在不影响优化结果精度的前提下降低整体优化过程中决策变量和约束的维度,实现高维问题低维化重构,且能满足实际工程应用需求。(2)单站多电网调峰调度问题需要兼顾各受电电网调峰要求,以动态响应各电网频繁的负荷变化,本文在综合考虑受电电网负荷量级、负荷特性以及调峰需求的差异性的基础上,以受电电网剩余负荷方差加权和最小为目标建立多电网调峰模型,并提出了一种单站多电网短期启发式调峰方法求解该模型,以二滩水电站为调度对象进行仿真计算,结果表明该方法在兼顾多电网负荷特性的同时,能够充分发挥水电站的调峰容量效益,可以为单站多电网调峰调度提供理论指导和技术支持。(3)由于多站单电网调峰问题涉及的电站多,既有水量传递上的动态联系,又有多种综合利用要求,从而导致短期优化调度建模及其模型求解的维数灾问题。研究工作从流域大规模电站群整体优化的角度出发,以受电电网剩余负荷方差最小为目标建立了“多站单电网”短期调峰模型,为突破已有理论和方法在求解时存在计算精度低、时间复杂度较高等技术瓶颈,提出了一种基于不对称自适应廊道技术的离散微分动态规划算法对该模型进行求解,不仅有效缩小了算法的寻优廊道,避免重复寻优,而且兼顾了求解效率和计算精度。以清江梯级水电站为调度实例进行仿真计算,结果表明,该方法能够充分发挥电站调峰容量效益,有效避免了不必要的弃水,具有一定的工程应用价值。(4)基于以上研究成果,本文采用基于Java FX的富互联网应用架构设计并开发了“华中电网水火电联合调度系统”,该系统能够充分调用客户机的计算能力,有效减轻网络传输和服务器计算压力,同时提供比Web应用程序更为丰富的人机交互元素和更加流畅的用户体验,为华中电网调度通信中心进行直调水电站短期发电计划编制提供了理论依据和技术平台。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, the adjustment of industrial structure and sustainable new energy grid is put into operation, the main regional power grids in China and most of the provincial power grid peak valley difference widened sharply. In terms of the power grid, reduce the peak valley difference is the key to ensure the safe and stable operation of the motor; and the water group to adjust ability, peaking cost low, shut off rapidly and many other advantages are recognized as peaking power quality, especially hydropower as a renewable clean energy, has become a strategic resource for national development and attention. Therefore, how to improve the hydropower peaking capacity, guaranteeing the safe and stable operation of power grid is an urgent problem to carry out large-scale hydropower. Short-term scheduling optimization of multi peak cluster grid environment, not only has important significance to make full use of water resources, but also to improve the regional power grid operation tube The level of management has important theoretical significance and practical value. In this paper, Huazhong hydropower station as the research object, for the direct hydropower station to a plurality of network transmission, and power plant complex scheduling problems of transmission range and transmission ratio of each are not identical, considering all power plants and the security and stability of power grid constraints, to carry out large-scale hydropower stations in Central China power grid research and application of short-term peak shaving, a peak corresponding model, put forward the feasible methods to solve the model, provides a theoretical basis and technical support for the improvement of central China power grid safe and stable operation ability. The main research work and achievements include: (1) in Central China Power Grid with large-scale hydropower stations, provincial network and river basin and belong to different engineering background is analyzed in detail, using hierarchical control, whole optimization "The idea will peak optimization problem is divided into a number of single station and multi grid" and "multi station single grid modeling and solving sub problems, according to the different river cascade" layer ", the same river power station" grading "principle in the administrative area of the galaxy, the power transmission scope division of each power plant the principle to reduce the overall optimization decision variables and constraints in the process of dimension without affecting the accuracy of the optimization results, achieve the high dimension problem of low dimensional reconstruction, and can satisfy the needs of practical application. (2) single station and multi peak scheduling problems need to take into account the different power grid peak demand in dynamic in response to the grid load changes frequently, the magnitude of load in Power Grid Considering the load characteristics and peak demand differences on the basis of the electric power grid to establish the residual load variance weighted minimum as the objective Network load model, and puts forward the short-term peaking heuristic method for solving a kind of single station and multi grid in the model, two hydroelectric power stations for scheduling objects are simulated, the results show that the method in taking into account the characteristics of power grid at the same time, can make full use of hydropower peaking capacity benefit for single station multi peak power dispatching provide guidance and technical support. (3) due to multi station involving single power peaking problems in power plant, a dynamic contact water transfer, and a variety of comprehensive utilization requirements, which lead to the dimension disaster problem optimization modeling and short-term model solution. The research work starting from the river basin scale hydropower stations optimized angle and to be electrified to establish a "multi station single grid model of the minimum residual power of short-term peaking load variance as the goal, to break through the existing calculation theory and method in solving the low precision, The time complexity of higher technical bottlenecks, proposed a discrete differential dynamic programming algorithm based on adaptive asymmetric corridor technology to solve the model, not only effectively reduce the searching corridor, to avoid duplication of optimization, and the solving efficiency and calculation accuracy. Taking Qingjiang cascade hydropower station as a scheduling example the simulation results show that the calculation method could give full play to the peak load capacity benefit, avoid unnecessary waste water, it has certain engineering application value. (4) based on the above research results, this paper adopts rich Internet application architecture of Java FX design and development of the "Central China Power Grid Hydrothermal Scheduling System Based on the system can calculate the full capacity, call the client, effectively reduce the network transmission and server computing pressure, at the same time provide more rich people than the Yuan machine interactive Web applications And a more fluent user experience provides a theoretical basis and a technical platform for the establishment of a short-term power generation plan for direct hydropower station in Central China Power Grid Dispatching and communication center.



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