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发布时间:2018-01-02 10:29

  本文关键词:基于支持向量机的燃气—蒸汽联合循环机组的优化运行研究 出处:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 燃气-蒸汽联合循环 最小二乘支持向量机 改进混沌粒子群 热力计算 耗差分析 变工况 发电热耗 优化运行

【摘要】:随着环境的日益恶化,燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电技术作为一种高效、清洁的发电技术在我国电力中的地位逐渐增高,研究联合循环机组的运行特性和运行优化具有重要的现实意义。本文以GE S209FA联合循环发电机组为研究对象,主要采用热力计算、耗差分析、最小二乘支持向量机和粒子群优化算法等方法,对联合循环发电机组各设备的运行特性和经济性进行分析,取得了一些有实际意义的成果,对于掌握机组各设备的实际运行特性、优化调整机组的运行方式提供了理论和数据支撑。本文具体开展了以下几方面的研究:基于热力学原理,建立S209FA联合循环的经济性分析模型,基于部分设计参数对底循环的运行参数进行优化计算,同时分析计算底循环相关运行参数之间的关系,为数据建模奠定基础。耗差分析是监测机组运行经济性的有效手段,采用热力学法和单因素偏差法对联合循环发电机组相关参数的耗差进行了分析计算,便于针对性分析影响机组经济性的原因,为运行人员调整机组的运行指明方向。基于设计的性能修正曲线建立起联合循环机组的变工况模型,并进行仿真验证,证明基于设计性能修正曲线的变工况难以满足实际工程需要。开展最小二乘支持向量机的数值仿真实验,采用改进的混沌粒子群(ICPSO)对LSSVM模型的结构参数进行优化。基于ICPSO-LSSVM,建立联合循环机组燃气轮机、余热锅炉和汽轮机的变工况模型,并利用建立的模型对各设备的变工况运行特性进行分析。根据所建立的联合循环各设备的ICPSO-LSSVM变工况模型建立起整个联合循环的ICPSO-LSSVM模型,采用改进的混沌粒子群算法,以联合循环发电机组的发电热耗为优化目标,对“二拖一”联合循环发电机组的两台燃机的运行负荷进行优化分配。所计算的结果具有一定的参考价值,为机组的优化运行提供了一定的方向。
[Abstract]:With the deterioration of the environment, the gas-steam combined cycle power generation technology, as a kind of efficient and clean power generation technology, has gradually increased in the status of power generation in China. It is of great practical significance to study the operation characteristics and operation optimization of combined cycle units. This paper takes GE S209FA combined cycle generator unit as the research object, mainly adopts thermal calculation and loss difference analysis. The least square support vector machine (LS-SVM) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm are used to analyze the operation characteristics and economy of the combined cycle generator sets, and some meaningful results have been obtained. This paper provides theoretical and data support for mastering the actual operating characteristics of the units and optimizing the operation mode of the units. The following aspects of the research are carried out in this paper: based on the thermodynamic principle. The economic analysis model of S209FA combined cycle is established. Based on some design parameters, the operation parameters of the bottom cycle are optimized and the relationship between the operation parameters of the bottom cycle is analyzed and calculated. It is an effective means to monitor the operation economy of the unit. The thermodynamic method and the single factor deviation method are used to analyze and calculate the related parameters of the combined cycle generator set. It is convenient to analyze the reasons that affect the unit economy and point out the direction for the operator to adjust the operation of the unit. Based on the designed performance correction curve, the off-condition model of the combined cycle unit is established and verified by simulation. It is proved that it is difficult to meet the needs of practical engineering based on the modified curve of design performance. The numerical simulation experiment of least squares support vector machine is carried out. The improved chaotic particle swarm optimization (ICPSO) is used to optimize the structural parameters of LSSVM model. Based on ICPSO-LSSVM, the gas turbine of combined cycle unit is established. The off-condition model of waste heat boiler and steam turbine. Based on the established model, the ICPSO of the whole combined cycle is established according to the established ICPSO-LSSVM model of the combined cycle. -LSSVM model. The improved chaotic particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to optimize the heat consumption of the combined cycle generator set. The operation load of two gas turbines of "two towed and one" combined cycle generator units is optimized. The calculated results have certain reference value and provide a certain direction for the optimal operation of the units.


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