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发布时间:2018-01-03 03:38

  本文关键词:超声波在循环水流量测量中的应用研究 出处:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 循环水 非理想流场 超声波 CFD 测量方案 广义回归神经网络

[Abstract]:Large diameter circulating water flow measurement is always a difficult problem in thermal measurement, accurate measurement of the circulating water flow has important significance for energy conservation of thermal power units. The ultrasonic time difference method by measuring the ultrasonic channel along the inverse downstream propagation time, obtain the flow of fluid in pipeline, is one of the methods to realize the circulating water flow measurement. But due to the actual pipeline with elbows, valves and other local resistance, and the resistance of a downstream straight pipe length is not enough to guarantee that the measured section of the fluid flow velocity distribution in full development, the existing ultrasonic measurement method is difficult to obtain satisfactory measurement accuracy, so in order to solve the ultrasonic flowmeter in large diameter circulating water flow measurement accuracy in the low the problem, research papers from the following 3 aspects: the measuring condition of industrial field, this paper designed different turbulence model and grid The simulation scheme of density, the experimental data by the National Engineering Laboratory in small caliber pipeline, the comparison of the different simulation results verify the feasibility of the simulation methods, the simulation results of a better plan, with circulating water system of a thermal power unit as the research object, established a three-dimensional simulation model is consistent with the circulating water pipeline conditions using CFD simulation method, and the analysis of the fluid flow in a circulating water pipeline by using Tecplot software. The multichannel measurement conditions, this paper designed different ultrasonic measurement scheme, using the circulating water simulation model is established, the number of channels is investigated under different Reynolds number conditions, numerical integral algorithm the sensor installation position, track installation angle, rotation angle and the relationship between the channel measurement data, and the use of different measurement results of mean relative error Evaluation results show that the number of channels, the numerical integration algorithm, the sensor position and channel rotation were affecting the accuracy of ultrasonic measurement in each measuring position at least can get 2 kinds can be obtained within 1% accuracy in the existing measurement conditions and measurement methods; and when only with single channel measurement conditions, although the change of sensor installation the position and the channel rotation angle can improve the measuring accuracy to a certain extent, but still unable to obtain the measurement accuracy of less than 1%. For the single channel ultrasonic flowmeter in the circulating water flow measurement accuracy is low the problem, put forward the innovation of this paper uses the generalized regression neural network (GRNN), established by Reynolds number correction model of flow sensor coefficient of the sensor installation position as the network input, the number of training samples, the relationship between smooth factor and the output of the network. The results show that The revised measurement results based on this model can greatly improve the accuracy of the existing data. Through the mixed programming method of VB and MATLAB, the related software has been compiled, which can make adaptive correction to the ultrasonic measurement results.



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