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发布时间:2018-01-04 16:26

  本文关键词:谐振式无线电能传输技术研究 出处:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 无线电能传输 谐振 耦合 磁系统 功率

[Abstract]:With the development of economy and the improvement of science and technology, the technology of radio energy transmission has gained the attention of experts and scholars at home and abroad. The technology of radio energy transmission is carried out through electromagnetic field. The resonant radio energy transmission technology has the characteristics of long transmission distance. This paper focuses on a 300W power with a load of 160 惟. The actual product development requirements of a 27mm radio energy transmission technology enterprise are analyzed theoretically, electromagnetic field and circuit system simulation and prototype test are carried out. It mainly includes the research status and significance of resonant radio energy transmission technology, the circuit topology of resonant radio energy transmission technology, the introduction of circuit resonant parameters, and the analysis and design of magnetic coupling system. The main circuit of transmitter and receiver is simulated, the prototype is designed and manufactured, and the experimental measurement is analyzed. Firstly, the definition and classification of radio energy transmission technology are introduced. The research status of radio energy transmission technology and the significance of radio energy transmission technology are introduced at home and abroad. Secondly, the basic structure of resonant radio energy transmission technology and the basic circuit topology of resonant radio energy transmission technology are briefly introduced. At the same time, the equivalent circuit diagram of resonant radio energy transmission technology, namely series-series resonance, series-parallel resonance, shunt-series resonance, parallel-parallel resonant structure is expounded. The influence factors of the transmission power on the receiving side are analyzed, and the resonant inductance and the resonant capacitance are also analyzed. The resonant parameters such as mutual inductance and coil resistance are also briefly described. Then the simulation analysis and optimization design of the magnetic coupling system are carried out. Firstly, through the magnetic field simulation analysis and comparison between the magnetic core and the absence of magnetic core, it is determined to select the magnetic core as the prototype. Then the magnetic field simulation analysis of different size cores and windings on the receiving side is carried out when the magnetic core is contained. From the simulation results, two prototypes are selected to work in the receiving side of the series resonance and parallel resonance respectively, and the saturation of the magnetic core is analyzed at the same time. In order to ensure that the two design options selected can work normally. Thirdly, the basic circuit models of the transmitter and receiver are simulated. At the same time, the main circuit parameters of the receiving side coil are measured experimentally. Finally, the experimental measurement is carried out under the load of 160 惟 resistance of the two kinds of sample preparation schemes. Some experimental data, curves, experimental waveforms and conclusions are obtained. At the same time, the 300W resistor load experiment in the series resonant mode of the receiving side is measured, including the different distance between the transmitting side and the receiving side and the different output filter capacitance. Thus, relevant experimental data, curves, experimental waveforms and conclusions are obtained. Finally, through theoretical analysis and experimental results, it is proved that the experimental prototype is a set of radio energy transmission system which accords with the required power output.


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