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发布时间:2018-01-04 21:10

  本文关键词:筒式多包封空心电抗器的热、磁优化研究 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 空心电抗器 温度场 热负荷分配 散热效率 电磁效率 热、磁联合优化

【摘要】:电力系统对电力电抗器的性能要求主要为电感值、通流能力。电抗器优化设计主要解决大容量电抗器性能要求与成本等因素的矛盾。本文主要从热、电磁两个方向推导实现空心电抗器优化设计。 为了给电抗器热优化做好理论准备,本文第2章根据有限元法得到电抗器温度场计算结果,分析了电抗器散热过程及温升分布特点。在其基础上,推导发展了基于对流换热过程实验关联式的电抗器温度场计算方法。为电抗器温度场计算提供了一种原理清晰、计算快速、准确的途径,并为本文后续与热相关的电抗器优化设计理念提供了理论及计算基础。 文章第3章从包封热负荷分配和单元热效率提高两个方面开展电抗器热优化。为实现分配优化,第3章提出了一种使各包封遵循“等高、等热流”的包封间热负荷分配原则。该原则在保证各包封电流密度近似相同的前提下,使各包封向气道的散热热力密度相等,使各包封具有相同的热源条件;同时,等高的包封和等高、等宽气道保证各气道内具有完全相同的流动过程,从而保证了各包封具有相同的散热能力。“等高、等热流”的热负荷分配方法保证整个电抗器生热、散热能力良好匹配,使各包封导体具有相同的利用率,从而为后续优化方法打下基础。 同时,第3章提出了一种针对电抗器“包封-气道”单元的散热效率优化方法。散热效率优化方法通过调整“包封-气道”单元形状比例,影响气道内流体速度、状态等,以提高气道散热能力。在其基础上缩小包封内线圈导体截面,在保证线圈最大温升不变的前提下,寻找导体用量与单元外形比例的关系。第3章形成了“包封-气道”单元散热效率优化曲线,并定义了一种散热效率系数用以描述单元可进一步被优化的能力,为筒式多包封空心电抗器的设计优化提出了一种新的方向。 为提高电抗器内线匝对磁通的交链状况,从电磁角度提高导体利用率,文章第4章依据线圈电磁效率的本质,重构了描述厚壁线圈电磁效率的“哈克图”优化曲线。文章从磁场能量角度证明了“哈克图”电磁效率优化曲线在筒式多包封并联型空心电抗器电磁优化方面的适用性;但同时文章从温升角度证明“哈克图”曲线无法直接在电抗器优化中应用。 基于前述与热、磁相关的三种优化方法,本文提出热、磁联合优化方案。为实现热、磁联合,文章将三种优化方法转化为三种等式约束条件:包封等高度、等热流密度约束条件,包封最大温升恒定约束条件,电抗器电感守恒约束条件。通过构建结构方程,获得电抗器整体线圈导体用量与线圈外形比例间的关系,即形成了热、磁联合优化方法,并形成“热、磁联合优化曲线”,形成了集生热、散热、磁场耦合匹配耦合的综合优化方法及实用方法。 为验证文章各种优化方法的准确性、实用性,文章第5章介绍了各种优化方法的具体实现流程。并基于本文所述各种优化方法形成了普通空心电抗器的散热分配优化样机、热磁耦合优化样机,通过对比证明了本文优化方法的准确性和实用性;同时,结合相关科技项目,本文介绍了一种具有自主知识产权的高耦合度分裂电抗器样机以及铁心电抗器样机的优化设计结果,证明了本文的优化方法能在多种线圈型电气设备中推广应用。
[Abstract]:The performance of the electric power reactor is mainly the inductance value and the flow capacity . The optimal design of the reactor mainly solves the contradiction between the performance requirement and the cost of the large - capacity reactor . The optimization design of the hollow reactor is mainly derived from the two directions of heat and electromagnetic . In order to get the theoretical preparation for the reactor thermal optimization , the calculation results of the reactor temperature field are obtained according to the finite element method in Chapter 2 , and the heat dissipation process and the temperature rise distribution characteristics of the reactor are analyzed . On the basis of the calculation , the calculation method of the temperature field of the reactor based on the experimental correlation formula of the convection heat exchange process is derived . In order to realize the distribution optimization , the third chapter proposes a principle of distributing the heat load between the enclosures with equal high and equal heat flow . The principle is to ensure that each envelope has the same heat source condition . At the same time , the heat load distribution method such as high encapsulation and equal heat flow ensures that the whole reactor has the same heat dissipation capacity . At the same time , Chapter 3 proposes a method for optimizing the heat dissipation efficiency of the " envelope - air duct " unit of the reactor . By adjusting the proportion of the shape of the " envelope - air duct " unit , the relation between the quantity of the conductor and the proportion of the unit form is found by adjusting the proportion of the shape of the " envelope - air duct " unit . In chapter 3 , the relation between the quantity of the conductor and the outer shape of the unit is found . The third chapter provides the heat dissipation efficiency optimization curve of the " envelope - air duct " unit , and defines a heat dissipation efficiency coefficient to describe the capability of the unit to be further optimized , and provides a new direction for the design optimization of the cylinder type multi - encapsulated hollow reactor . In order to improve the cross - winding condition of the inner turns of the reactor , the utilization of the conductor is improved from the electromagnetic angle . According to the essence of the electromagnetic efficiency of the coil , the paper reconstructs the optimization curve of the electromagnetic efficiency of the thick - wall coil . On the basis of the foregoing three optimization methods related to heat and magnetism , this paper proposes a thermal and magnetic combination optimization scheme . In order to realize the thermal and magnetic combination , three kinds of optimization methods are converted into three kinds of equation constraint conditions : the height such as encapsulation and the like , the maximum temperature rise constant constraint condition and the reactor inductance conservation constraint condition . In order to verify the accuracy and practicability of various optimization methods of the article , the concrete realization flow of various optimization methods is introduced in Chapter 5 of the article . Based on the various optimization methods described herein , the optimized prototype and the thermal magnetic coupling optimization prototype of the common hollow reactor are formed .



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