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发布时间:2018-01-05 11:32

  本文关键词:漏泄同轴电缆的设计及其应用研究 出处:《西安电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 漏泄同轴电缆 地铁隧道无线通信 周界入侵探测

[Abstract]:Leakage coaxial cable is a kind of wireless communication device which can transmit electromagnetic signal as transmission line and transmit and receive electromagnetic wave to external environment as antenna because of its uniform field coverage and low loss. Because of the advantages of small electromagnetic pollution and strong adaptability to the environment leakage cable is not only widely used in the underground mine tunnel and other closed or semi-closed area wireless communication. It is also used in perimeter intrusion detection. This paper is based on the application requirements of leakage coaxial cable. The design of leakage cable, the radiation characteristics in subway tunnel and the signal transmission performance in perimeter intrusion detection system are studied. The content of this paper can be divided into the following parts. Firstly, the basic knowledge of leakage coaxial cable is expounded. In order to better understand the advantages of leaky cable in related applications, two types of leaky coaxial cable are designed, one is coupling type, the other is radiation type, and then the designed leaky cable is put into subway tunnel. The transmission law of leakage cable in tunnel is analyzed by means of ray tracing method, and the radiation characteristics of leakage cable in tunnel are analyzed in combination with the simulation calculation and the measured results. Finally, the theoretical design of the perimeter intrusion detection system based on leakage coaxial cable is carried out, and the theoretical and simulation analysis of the signal transmission characteristics between the receiving leakage cable and the transmitting leakage cable is carried out. It provides an important reference for further system design.


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