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发布时间:2018-01-06 04:36

  本文关键词:并网光伏电站中混合储能的控制与容量优化策略的研究 出处:《太原理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 并网光伏 混合储能 控制策略 容量优化 HOMER 统计学

【摘要】:随着世界经济的迅猛发展,一次能源的消耗速度十分惊人,这就导致了全世界范围内的环境问题和能源危机。分布式能源,尤其是太阳能发电的大规模应用是解决当前世界能源、环境突出问题的有效途径。但是太阳能发电随机性强、波动性大和出力变化快的特点影响着系统的调度和机组出力的计划,甚至可能对电能质量及电网运行产生影响。 在光伏电站侧接入储能设备,配合大规模光伏电站接入电网,在很大程度上能解决光伏发电的随机性、波动性问题,可以实现光伏发电的平滑输出,能提升电网消纳能力,增强电网稳定性和电能质量水平。然而能量型储能元件更适合长时响应、功率型储能元件更适合快速响应,只有混合储能才能兼具两种优点,更好的吞吐功率。因此对混合储能的控制和优化策略研究尤显重要。本文从光伏电站中各元件的特性分析与建模、逆变器控制、混合储能的控制策略以及大型光伏电站中混合储能的容量优化配置几方面进行了研究和讨论。 (1)分析了并网光伏电站中的组成元件和系统的拓扑结构,分析了混合储能各种接入方法的优缺点。针对其中光伏电池、锂电池和超级电容器进行了特性分析和建模,并给出了Boost变换器、Buck/Boost变换器和逆变器的基本拓扑结构。 (2)分析了恒功率控制的控制目标、原理和控制框图,设计了功率环、PI电流控制和锁相环。通过仿真测试,验证了所搭建模型的有效性。提出了基于超级电容器电压的混合储能控制策略,根据充放电状态和超级电容器的电压,判定超级电容器和锂电池各自的运行状态,精确控制了储能元件的充放电过程。达到了合理的利用储能系统的容量,延长了锂电池的使用寿命的目的。通过仿真,验证了该控制策略的可行性,并分析了对输送功率的平抑情况。 (3)在对混合储能容量进行优化时,统计学方法和利用HOMER软件的方法,各有优缺点,但都不能很好的处理并网光伏电站中混合储能的容量优化问题。因此本文提出了结合HOMER软件和统计学方法的综合性容量优化方案,使用两级优化来合理配置混合储能的容量。首先利用HOMER仿真运算,得出锂电池的功率容量和储能容量,完成初级优化。再利用统计学方法,对锂电池容量进行机会约束,在不同置信水平运用遗传算法下,得到了锂电池和超级电容器应当配置的数量,完成次级优化,并最终获得了经济性最优的方案。 (4)通过资料获取了各种环境参数、运行参数和经济参数。利用实验室现有4.5kW光伏电池板和光伏电能监测网关得到了每日光伏输出功率,并依此推算出了3MW光伏电站数十种典型的输送功率参考值。使用HOMER软件仿真出了仅使用锂电池储能时的最优方案。依据算得的锂电池的数量和锂电池元件参数,得到了系统总体功率容量和储能容量规模。运用机会约束的方法,在不同的置信水平下使用遗传算法,算出了经济性最优时的锂电池和超级电容器各自的功率容量和储能容量,达到了容量优化的目标。最后分析了光照强度、锂电池寿命等容易发生变化的敏感性变量对长期的运行的影响。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the world economy , the consumption rate of primary energy is staggering , which leads to environmental problems and energy crisis worldwide . The large - scale application of distributed energy , especially solar power generation , is an effective way to solve the problems of energy and environment in the world . This paper studies and discusses the characteristics analysis and modeling , inverter control , control strategy of hybrid energy storage and the capacity optimization collocation of hybrid energy storage in large - scale photovoltaic power station . ( 1 ) The topological structure of the components and systems in grid - connected photovoltaic power station is analyzed , the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid energy storage are analyzed , and the basic topology of the Boost converter , the Buck / Boost converter and the inverter is given . ( 2 ) The control target , principle and control block diagram of constant power control are analyzed , the power loop , PI current control and phase locked loop are designed . Based on the simulation test , the effectiveness of the built model is verified . According to the charge - discharge state and the voltage of the super capacitor , the operation state of the super capacitor and the lithium battery is verified . ( 3 ) When the hybrid energy storage capacity is optimized , the statistical method and the method of using HOMER software , each have advantages and disadvantages , but neither can deal with the capacity optimization problem of hybrid energy storage in grid photovoltaic power station . Therefore , this paper presents a comprehensive capacity optimization scheme combining HOMER software and statistical method . ( 4 ) Various environmental parameters , operating parameters and economic parameters have been obtained through data . The photovoltaic power is calculated by using the existing 4.5 kW PV panel and PV power monitoring network in the laboratory . The power capacity and energy storage capacity of the lithium battery and the super capacitor are calculated by using the HOMER software . Based on the calculated number of lithium batteries and the parameters of the lithium battery element , the power capacity and the energy storage capacity of the lithium battery and the super capacitor are calculated at different confidence levels . The influence of the sensitivity variables such as the light intensity and the life of the lithium battery on the long - term operation is analyzed .



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