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发布时间:2018-01-06 13:13

  本文关键词:槽式太阳能热发电计算的模拟仿真 出处:《内蒙古工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 槽式热发电 系统模拟 热效率 镜面清洁度

【摘要】:本论文以槽式太阳能热发电系统为研究对象,应用TRNSYS瞬态仿真模拟软件,分析了槽式太阳能热发电系统的聚光集热子系统、换热子系统和发电子系统,探讨了在内蒙古百灵庙地区模拟建立槽式太阳能热发电站的可行性,为建立适应我国气候的槽式太阳能热发电站提供参考。 对槽式太阳能热发电系统的聚光集热子系统、换热子系统和发电子系统进行理论分析,以导热油、蒸汽以及给水三种流体在系统中流动方向为主线,通过查阅文献得到能确定流体在各子系统部件出入口处状态的方程,最终计算得到流体在不同位置和状态下的参数。 应用TRNSYS瞬态仿真模拟软件的Simulation Studio功能包,调用软件已有系统所需要的部分模块,,并按照系统需求创建了汽轮机高压缸二级抽汽模块组合、低压缸五级抽汽组合模块以及汽轮机输出汇总模块。按照导热油、蒸汽以及给水三大流体在各子系统中流动方向链接系统,并以计算得到的流体参数为基准,设置各个部件的参数值以及初始参数。以百灵庙地区的气象数据作为软件实时输入,通过控制选项,设置模拟起止时间为0h到8760h,步长1h。 论文中给出了适用于本模拟的集热场镜面清洁度的定义及计算式,以集热场的集热效率为研究对象,得出不同镜面清洁度下热效率的高低,确定研究区间,针对所选镜面清洁度范围,研究了最高集热效率与镜面清洁度的关系,得到了两者之间的拟合方程,确定了适合电站运行的镜面清洁度范围区间。 计算集热场所获得的集热量以及集热场净输出能量,对应百灵庙的气象数据,分析了各月份集热场净输出与当月太阳法向直射辐照度不一致的原因。 模拟最终得到了百灵庙地区每个月的发电量,并以美国SEGSVI电站在无补燃和有补燃情况下的发电量作对比,分析了两者发电量不同的原因。
[Abstract]:This paper takes the trough solar thermal power generation system as the research object, applies the TRNSYS transient simulation software, analyzes the concentrated solar energy collection subsystem of the trough solar thermal power generation system. The feasibility of establishing trough solar thermal power station in Bailingmiao area of Inner Mongolia is discussed in this paper, which provides a reference for the establishment of trough solar energy thermal power station adapted to the climate of our country. In this paper, the condensing heat collection subsystem, heat transfer subsystem and electronic generation system of trough solar thermal power generation system are analyzed theoretically. The main line is the flow direction of heat conduction oil, steam and feed water in the system. The equation of the fluid state at the entrance and exit of the components of each subsystem is obtained by consulting the literature, and the parameters of the fluid at different positions and states are finally calculated. The Simulation Studio function package of TRNSYS transient simulation software is used to call some modules needed by the existing software system. According to the system requirements, the two stage extraction module combination of the high pressure cylinder of steam turbine, the five stage extraction combination module of the low pressure cylinder and the output summary module of the steam turbine are created, according to the heat conduction oil. Steam and feed water flow direction linking system in each subsystem, and calculated the fluid parameters as the reference. Taking the meteorological data of Bailingmiao area as the real-time software input, through the control option, the simulation start and stop time is set from 0h to 8760h, and the step length is 1h. In this paper, the definition and calculation formula of the surface cleanliness of the heat collecting field are given. Taking the heat collection efficiency of the heat collecting field as the research object, the level of the thermal efficiency under the different surface cleanliness is obtained, and the research interval is determined. The relationship between the maximum heat collection efficiency and the mirror cleanliness is studied according to the selected scope of the mirror cleanliness. The fitting equation between the two is obtained and the range of the mirror cleanliness suitable for the operation of the power station is determined. The heat collection and the net output energy of the collecting heat field are calculated, corresponding to the meteorological data of the Bailing Temple, and the reasons for the inconsistency between the net output of the collecting heat field and the normal direct irradiance of the sun in the same month are analyzed. Finally, the monthly power generation in Bailingmiao area is obtained, and the reasons for the difference between the two are analyzed by comparing the power generation of the SEGSVI power station in the United States without supplementary combustion and with supplementary combustion.


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