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发布时间:2018-01-06 16:22

  本文关键词:超低排放驱动力及其发展方向研究 出处:《环境保护》2014年22期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 超低排放 燃煤电厂 环境质量 激励机制 排污权交易

[Abstract]:Ultralow emission is also called near zero emission or zero emission. At present, it is mainly focused on the emission level of coal-fired power plants within the standard. Ultra-low emissions are popular because of their ability to reduce the emissions of some pollutants. The promotion of ultra-low emissions is conducive to the improvement of atmospheric environmental quality. The progress of pollution control technology is also the embodiment of corporate social responsibility. However, at the present stage, the development of ultra-low emission is still facing challenges such as being unable to rely on and making no profit. The way out lies not in mandatory constraints, but in promoting the enthusiasm and initiative of enterprises in ultra-low emission through the mechanism of incentive and guidance.
【作者单位】: 环境保护部科技标准司;《环境保护》专家委员会;
【正文快照】: 环保产业是标准的逼迫性产业,是标准的责任性产业,环境标准是环境保护的尺度,是排污企业排放污染物的门槛,有了标准,才会有产业空间。近年来,我国环境标准突飞猛进,污水处理、工业窑炉、燃煤电厂等标准的收严,为环保产业带来了更多的市场机会。而近来,追求低于国家标准限值的


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2 黄伟;“超低排放”改造启动[N];新华日报;2014年

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1 许立兵;轻型车超低排放测试技术研究[D];浙江大学;2008年

2 田径;基于EGR耦合多段喷射实现超低排放研究[D];吉林大学;2010年




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