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发布时间:2018-01-06 18:32

  本文关键词:利于系统服务的负荷控制优化及需求响应机制推广(英文) 出处:《中国电机工程学报》2014年22期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 需求响应 直接负荷控制 调峰 切负荷 动态电价 智能电表

【摘要】:该文主要介绍法国电力集团(Electricity of France,EDF)在负载控制优化和智能需求响应机制方面的电力系统服务。在EDF主导下,法国已积累成功的需求响应应用经验,其先进的电价体系及工业负载控制方案已超过几十年的应用历史。在电价激励政策方面,EDF具备应用分时电价的悠久历史。法国在1965年就开始设计和推广激励电价体系,在过去10年间,又引入并推广了动态电价系统。作为需求和响应的重要组成部分,直接负荷控制是一种基于利润的负荷管理系统。法国已利用电力线载波(power line carrier,PLC)通信技术实现全国范围内对部分用户负荷直接进行管理。需求响应的主要目标是促进双赢的调峰解决方案,以大幅降低甩负载率为用户提供良好的电能质量。经过50多年的努力,法国国家总负荷曲线已大为改善。法国智能电网的最新发展主要包括智能配电和智能用电2个方面。Linky是法国电力公司推出的新一代唯一的智能电表系统,设计宗旨是为实现更多更优的需求响应及电网自动化功能。
[Abstract]:This paper mainly introduces the electricity of France. Power system services in load control optimization and intelligent demand response mechanisms. Under the leadership of EDF, France has accumulated successful experience in demand response applications. Its advanced electricity price system and industrial load control scheme have been applied for more than several decades. EDF has a long history of applying time-sharing pricing. France began designing and promoting incentive pricing systems in 1965, over the past 10 years. As an important part of demand and response, dynamic electricity pricing system is introduced and popularized. Direct load control is a profit-based load management system. France has made use of power line carrier power line carrier. PLC) communication technology can directly manage part of user load nationwide. The main goal of demand response is to promote a win-win peak shaving solution. In order to significantly reduce load rejection rate for users to provide good power quality. After more than 50 years of efforts. The French national total load curve has been greatly improved. The latest developments in the French smart grid mainly include two aspects: intelligent distribution and smart electricity. Linky is the only smart meter system of the new generation launched by the French electric power company. Tong. Design tenet is to achieve more and better demand response and power grid automation function.
【作者单位】: 法国电力集团研究总院;
【正文快照】: 0 INTRODUCTIONLoad shedding during peak demand is importantbecause it reduces the need for new power generationfacilities.To meet with high peak demand,utilitiesbuild very capital-intensive power plants and powerlines.Generally,peak demand happens just a


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