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发布时间:2018-01-07 08:19

  本文关键词:时间同步方式及同步偏差对同步相量量测的影响研究 出处:《华北电力大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 北斗二代卫星导航系统 IEC 61588 时间同步偏差 同步相量测量单元 离散傅里叶变换

【摘要】:同步相量测量单元(Phasor Measurement Unit, PMU)已成为目前电力系统动态过程监测的基础手段。由于PMU的本质特征是同步量测,因而高精度、可靠、安全的时间同步信息对PMU的量测具有重要意义。当前,随着我国北斗二代卫星导航系统投入运行,智能变电站逐步推广应用,PMU的时间同步信息来源正在发生变化,由GPS站间同步发展为综合北斗二代的卫星同步与站内网络同步的方式,因此研究时间同步方式、时间同步偏差及其对PMU量测的影响,对于实现大电网有效的动态安全监测,保障系统安全运行具有至关重要的意义。论文针对北斗二代授时产品的准确性、可靠性和安全性三个特性,搭建了北斗二代时间同步特性测试平台,开展了站间同步特性研究;重点对时间同步偏差和抖动的产生原因进行了分析,针对时间同步偏差和抖动现象,给出了北斗二代授时产品的改进建议,并利用同步特性初步分析了其对PMU量测可能产生的影响。随后针对站内同步方式,从精确时间协议(Precision Time Protocol, PTP)同步算法的原理出发,研究了影响PTP同步精度的因素,基于搭建的智能变电站时间同步模拟测试平台,对PTP同步特性开展了研究。反映出1588设备在不同的延时测量机制、不同的时钟同步模式、交换机引入网络情况下时间同步精度出现的差异,以及在面向通用对象的变电站事件(Generic Object Oriented Substation Event, GOOSE)报文和采样值(Sampled Value, SV)报文形成的网络风暴影响下表现出的同步特性,并分析了其对PMU量测可能产生的影响。同时,针对站间同步方式和站内同步方式可能引起的时间同步偏差,对PMU量测相量产生的影响进行了分析。通过变电站PMU和发电厂PMU分别展开了讨论,重点推导了系统动态情况下考虑时间同步偏差的变电站PMU量测相量计算公式,分析了时间同步偏差对相量量测的影响规律;除此之外,利用发电厂PMU量测转子角原理,分析了系统处于稳态及动态情况下发电厂PMU实测发电机转子角与时间同步偏差的关系。同时,搭建了物理实验平台,进行了稳态和动态实验,验证了理论分析的正确性。
[Abstract]:Phasor measurement unit (Phasor Measurement Unit, PMU) has become the basic means of the monitoring process of power system dynamic. Due to the nature of PMU is synchronous measurement, and high precision, reliable, secure time synchronization information for PMU measurement is of great significance. When, as China's two generation Beidou satellite the navigation system of intelligent substation put into operation, gradually promote the application of PMU time synchronization information source is changed by GPS time synchronization for the integrated development of the Beidou satellite synchronized with the two generation station network synchronization mode, so the research of time synchronization, time synchronization error and influence on PMU measurement, for the realization of dynamic security monitoring the large power grid effectively, is of vital significance to guarantee the safe operation of the system. According to the two generation products of the Beidou timing accuracy, three characteristics of reliability and safety, set up north Bucket two generation time synchronization test platform, carried out the research of synchronization between stations; focus on the causes of time synchronization error and jitter are analyzed, aiming at the time synchronization error and jitter phenomenon, suggestions are given two generation Beidou timing products, and the use of synchronization of a preliminary analysis of its possible impact on measurement the amount of PMU. Then according to the station synchronization mode, from the precision time protocol (Precision Time Protocol, PTP) the principle of synchronization algorithm, study the influence factors of PTP synchronization accuracy, intelligent substation based on time synchronization simulation test platform of PTP synchronous properties has been studied. Reflect 1588 devices in the delay measurement mechanism the clock synchronization patterns, switch into difference time synchronization accuracy under network conditions, and in what a generic object oriented substation (Generic Obj Ect Oriented Substation Event GOOSE (Sampled) and packet sampling value Value, SV) showed the synchronization characteristics of the network storm formed under the influence of the message, and analyzes the influence of measurement possible on PMU. At the same time, according to the time synchronization and synchronization station can cause the time synchronization error, influence the amount of PMU measurement has been analyzed. Through the PMU substation and power plant PMU were discussed, focusing on substation PMU amount of time synchronization error system considering the dynamic situation of measuring phasor calculation formulas are deduced, and analyzes the influence of deviation between synchronous phasor measurement; in addition, measurement the rotor angle by using the principle of power plant PMU, analyzes the system in factory PMU measured rotor angle and time synchronization error generation of static and dynamic conditions. At the same time, to build a physical experiment platform, the steady state The correctness of the theoretical analysis is verified by the dynamic experiment.



中国期刊全文数据库 前9条

1 韩祯祥,薛禹胜,邱家驹;2000年国际大电网会议系列报道——电网互联的现状和前景[J];电力系统自动化;2000年24期

2 张景超,张承学,吴方R,




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