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发布时间:2018-01-07 08:29

  本文关键词:大型水电项目开发效率提升研究 出处:《武汉大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大型水电项目 开发效率 移民安置 生态维护 资源最优化配置

【摘要】:节能减排“十二五”规划是国家为缓解资源环境约束、应对全球气候变化提出的战略方针,要求进行能源结构改革,大力增加清洁能源的比例。由此,可再生能源将成为中国梦的一个重要组成部分。作为一种清洁的可再生能源,大力开发水电一直是我国能源开发的重点方针。但是由于水电开发的影响因素多,资源占用大,牵涉的移民、生态等问题与经济社会可持续发展直接相关,开发水平仍然在低位徘徊,效率问题十分突出,难以满足经济社会发展的需求。 为了研究大型水电项目开发效率的影响因素和提升机制,本论文从理论和实践两个方面,应用经济学的帕累托效率来定义水电开发效率,从移民安置、生态环境、资源配置角度对大型水电开发效率进行研究。 水电开发效率方面,本文首先介绍了大型水电项目的特点和本质,并从帕累托效率的视角定义了大型水电项目开发效率的概念以及效率计量指标,最后讨论了移民安置、生态保护和资源配置这三个因素对大型水电项目开发效率的影响。生态环境方面,在对移民安置效率及其构成要素进行识别的基础上,提出了基于数据包络分析的效率评价方法,分析了移民安置效率制约和影响因素,运用场域理论提出分析框架,并基于移民管理原则,从组织结构建设和监督体系方面提出效率提升的建议。生态环境方面,提出了以模糊综合评价为主的环境评价方法,并从技术和主观实现及环境与客观监督保证两个角度提出采用先进技术及开发利用多样化,及保证项目环境影响评价和建立完善水电环保法规体系的建议。资源配置方面,将资源配置效率问题分为社会宏观层面和企业微观层面的大型水电开发项目资源配置问题,建立大型水电开发中开发企业、中央和地方政府、库区移民、环境代表的以构建和谐满意度为基础的多目标优化模型;针对企业微观层面的大型水电开发项目群的资源配置问题,建立以预期获得最大经济效益为标准的资源配置优化的非线性模型,并给出了时间结余表达式。 本研究具有一定的探索性,研究的主要改进和创新主要体现在: (1)从经济学和项目周期的视角,基于经济效率理论,提出了水电开发效率的概念,基于比值分析法界定了水电项目开发效率的绝对效率计量指标,运用帕累托效率理论界定了水电项目开发效率的状态效率计量指标; (2)以福利经济学基础,根据帕累托效率的本质,提出移民安置效率的狭义与广义概念,以人、财、物、时等作为要素对移民效率进行衡量;基于移民安置与开发的性质和特点,评价当前移民安置与开发的法律体系和管理体制,并提出相应改进机制措施。 (3)从全新的角度阐述水电开发中的生态环境保护,将辩证法应用于两者关系的分析研究;由产出与投入比的角度定义了生态维护效率这一概念,为评价分析生态维护效率提供理论基础。 (4)首次提出水利工程项目群及水利工程项目群管理的概念,指出了水利工程项目群开发所涉及到的各利益相关者及其相互之间的关联,提出了基于水利工程项目群各利益相关者和谐配置的资源配置优化模型。
[Abstract]:Energy saving and emission reduction "12th Five-Year" planning is the country to ease the constraints of resources and environment, strategy is proposed to cope with global climate change, energy requirements for structural reforms to increase the proportion of clean energy. Thus, renewable energy will become an important part of Chinese dream. As a kind of clean and renewable energy, vigorously develop hydropower has been is the focal point of energy development policy of our country. But because the influence factors of hydropower development, resource utilization, involved in immigration, the sustainable development of ecological problems and social and economic development level is directly related to, still hovering in the low efficiency problem is very prominent, it is difficult to meet the needs of economic and social development.
In order to study the influence factors of large hydropower project development efficiency and improving mechanism, this paper from two aspects of theory and practice, the application of economic efficiency to the definition of Pareto hydropower development efficiency, the resettlement of migrants, the ecological environment was studied for large-scale hydropower development. The perspective of resource allocation.
Hydropower development efficiency, this paper first introduces the characteristics and nature of large hydropower projects, and from the perspective of Pareto efficiency concept of large hydropower project development efficiency and efficiency indicators, finally discussed the resettlement, the three factors which influence the ecological protection and resource allocation of large hydropower project development efficiency of the ecological environment. In this paper, identify the elements of the resettlement and its efficiency, the efficiency evaluation method based on data envelopment analysis, analyzes the factors restricting and influencing the efficiency of resettlement, transport field theory analysis framework, and based on the immigration management principles, put forward to enhance the efficiency of the proposal from the aspects of organizational structure construction and supervision system. The ecological environment, put forward the evaluation method based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation based, and from technology and subjective and objective realization and environmental supervision And ensure the angle of two using a variety of advanced technology and development and utilization, and ensure the project environmental impact assessment and the establishment and perfection of hydropower environmental protection laws and regulations system. The allocation of resources, the efficiency of resource allocation is divided into social macro level and micro level enterprises of large hydropower project resource allocation problem, the establishment of enterprise development of large-scale hydropower development in the central and local government, reservoir resettlement, the multi-objective optimization model in order to build a harmonious environment satisfaction based on resource allocation problem; micro level enterprises of large hydropower development project group, established the nonlinear model to optimize the allocation of resources expected to obtain the biggest economic benefits as the standard time, the balance of expression is also given.
This research has a certain exploration, the main improvement and innovation of the research are mainly reflected in the following:
(1) from the perspective of economics and economic efficiency of the project cycle, based on the theory, put forward the concept of hydropower development efficiency, ratio analysis method to define the absolute efficiency measure the development efficiency of hydropower projects based on the use of Pareto efficiency theory defines hydropower project development efficiency of state efficiency measurement index;
(2) the welfare economics foundation, according to the nature of Pareto efficiency, proposed resettlement efficiency of narrow and broad concept, in person, money, material, such as when the elements of the immigration efficiency measure; the nature and characteristics of emigration and development based on the evaluation of the emigration and development of the legal system and management system. And put forward the corresponding improvement measures mechanism.
(3) from a completely new perspective, it expounds the ecological environment protection in hydropower development, applies dialectics to the analysis of the relationship between them, defines the concept of ecological maintenance efficiency from the perspective of output and input ratio, and provides a theoretical basis for evaluation and analysis of ecological maintenance efficiency.
(4) put forward the concept of water conservancy project and water conservancy project management group for the first time, pointed out the various stakeholders of water conservancy project group involved in the development and its relationship to each other, put forward water conservancy project group stakeholders harmonious allocation of resources allocation optimization model based on.





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