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发布时间:2018-01-07 17:27

  本文关键词:低碳经济下电力系统规划相关问题研究 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 低碳经济 电源规划 电网规划 运行优化 旋转备用 碳捕集技术 碳交易机制 碳排放约束

【摘要】:电力工业是我国化石能源消耗的主要行业,其碳排放量占全国总排放量的比重将近40%。在低碳经济环境下,电力工业生产所造成的碳排放量将受国家的整体减排政策和减排模式所制约,同时,碳交易机制、低碳技术的引入,也将给电力工业的发展带来深远的影响。作为保证电力工业健康发展的有效手段,电力系统的规划工作需要适应当前发展低碳经济的要求。本文结合低碳经济模式下出现的新要素,研究电力系统电源与电网规划的相关问题,取得了以下成果和结论: (1)分析低碳电力技术、碳交易机制和超额碳排放经济性惩罚机制等低碳要素的影响并进行数学建模。同时,重点分析了碳捕集电厂的能流特点和运行特性,推导碳捕集电厂的"T-R"(Total generation output of CCP-Running consumption of carbon captute system)和"N-R"(Net generation output of CCP-Running consumption of carbon captute system)运行约束区间,明确碳捕集电厂的主要运行约束。 (2)针对不同负荷时段电力需求的特点和碳捕集电厂的发电—捕碳协调特性,基于满足系统负荷需求并最大化捕碳效益的原则,提出碳捕集电厂的分时段发电出力模型和详细运行优化方法;建立了低碳经济下考虑碳捕集电厂的电力系统运行优化模型,将发电系统碳排放费用引入目标函数,能够全面地评估低碳经济下电力系统的运行优化问题。以3机6母线系统和IEEE-118节点的54机系统为例,对该模型和方法的有效性进行验证。 (3)针对碳捕集电厂的捕碳出力同时具有碳减排和快速旋转备用的双重功能,将碳捕集电厂的捕碳出力作为一种新型的备用源考虑进电力系统的旋转备用优化问题中,建立低碳经济下的电力系统旋转备用优化模型。模型以综合费用最低为目标函数,包括了提供旋转备用的运行成本、系统的电量不足损失费用以及碳排放费用,能够全面地评估低碳经济下电力系统的旋转备用需求。针对IEEE-RTS-96测试系统进行旋转备用的优化研究,并对模型的主要参数(包括碳交易价格、碳排放限额、失负荷的单位经济价值VOLL等)以及碳捕集电厂的引入作了影响分析。 (4)结合国家社会经济和工业化发展阶段与整体碳排放的关系,提出了考虑国家发展规划期内总额度约束的“四区间”碳排放轨迹模型,并在此基础上建立了低碳经济下基于碳排放轨迹约束的电力系统电源规划模型。该模型在电力工业总体排放轨迹约束的框架下考虑规划期内逐年的碳排放约束,将发电系统运行的碳排放和碳捕集电厂的规划问题作为研究的重点,将碳排放量带来的经济成本和碳捕集电厂的建设成本计入目标函数。针对中国某省级电力系统,分析不同碳减排模式下系统电源规划的结果及其影响,并对碳交易价格、碳捕集系统投资成本进行敏感性分析,验证模型的适应性和实用性。 (5)结合电网对系统碳排放及新能源利用的影响,分析了由输电容量不足导致发电系统弃风/弃水的产生机理及其模糊化计算方法;并提出一种低碳经济环境下考虑最大化利用清洁电源的输电网过负荷调整策略。在此基础上,将输电网络损耗、输电容量不足引起的弃风/弃水等间接引起的碳排放费用引入目标函数,建立了低碳经济环境下的输电网规划模型。应用模型对新英格兰10机39节点系统进行电网规划模拟分析,并将结果与常规模型对比,验证模型的适应性和实用性。
[Abstract]:The power industry is the main industry of our country and fossil energy consumption and carbon emissions, the proportion of the national total emissions of nearly 40%. in the background of low carbon economy, carbon emissions caused by industrial production of electricity will be restricted, the country's overall emission reduction policies and emission reduction mode at the same time, carbon trading mechanism, the introduction of low carbon technology that will also bring far-reaching influence to the development of electric power industry. As an effective means to ensure the healthy development of the electric power industry, power system planning work needs to adapt to the current requirements of the development of low-carbon economy. Combining with the new elements of the low carbon economy mode, related problems of power grid planning and the study of power system, made the following results and conclusions:
(1) the analysis of low carbon power technology, mathematical modeling of carbon trading mechanism and excess carbon emissions and economic punishment mechanism of low carbon factors and influence. At the same time, focus on the analysis of the carbon capture energy flow characteristics and operating characteristics in power plant, derived carbon capture power plant "T-R" (Total generation output of CCP-Running consumption of carbon captute system) and N-R (Net generation output of CCP-Running consumption of carbon captute system) operation constraint interval, the main operating constraints clear carbon capture power plant.
(2) according to the characteristics of different periods of load power demand and carbon capture power plant power and carbon capture coordination characteristics, to meet the load demand and maximize the benefits of carbon capture based on the principle that the proposed time generation of carbon capture power plant output model and the detailed operation optimization method; establish the model of optimal operation of power system trap in consideration of power plant carbon under low carbon economy, the power system of carbon emissions costs into the objective function, to comprehensively assess the operation optimization problem of power system under low carbon economy. On the 54 machine system 3 machine 6 bus system and IEEE-118 bus as an example, to verify the validity of the model and method.
(3) the carbon capture power plant carbon capture power double functions of both carbon reduction and fast spinning reserve, the carbon capture power plant carbon capture power as a backup source model considering spinning reserve optimization problems in power system, the establishment of a low-carbon economy of the power system spinning reserve optimization model the lowest in the model. The comprehensive cost as the objective function, including the operation cost of providing the spinning reserve system, lack of electricity cost and the cost of carbon emissions, to evaluate the spinning reserve requirements of power system under low carbon economy comprehensively. Research on Optimization of spinning reserve for IEEE-RTS-96 test system, and the main parameters of the model (including the price of carbon, carbon emissions, loss of load unit economic value VOLL) and carbon capture power plant are introduced in the impact analysis.
(4) combined with the national economic and social development stage of industrialization and overall carbon emissions, considering the national development planning period the total amount of constraint four range carbon emission trajectory model is established on the basis of power system planning model based on the constraint of carbon emission trajectories under the constraint of carbon emission low carbon economy. The yearly planning period, considering the model framework constraints in the overall emission trajectory of the electric power industry, the power system operation planning problem of carbon emissions and carbon capture power plant as the focus of the study, the carbon emissions caused by economic cost and carbon capture power plant construction costs included in the objective function for a provincial electric power. Chinese system, system power planning and effect analysis of different carbon results of the model, and the price of carbon trading, carbon capture system investment cost sensitivity analysis, verify the model fit Stress and practicality.
(5) combined with power grid on carbon emission and effect of new energy utilization, analyzes the produce mechanism of wind power generation system and abandoned abandoned water / fuzzy calculation method caused by the lack of transmission capacity; and put forward a low carbon economy environment considering the maximum utilization of clean power transmission network based load adjustment strategy. On the loss of the transmission network, the transmission capacity shortage caused by the abandoned wind / abandoned water indirect carbon emissions caused by the cost of the objective function, establishes a transmission network planning model of low carbon economy environment. The application of the model simulation analysis of power grid planning of the new England 10 machine 39 node system, and compared with the conventional model comparison, verify the model adaptability and practicality.



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