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发布时间:2018-01-07 18:05

  本文关键词:微电网电源的优化配置及其经济调度 出处:《上海电力学院》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 微电网 微电源优化配置 混合量子遗传算法 经济调度 可平移负荷 动态规划 序列二次规划 预估校正内点算法

【摘要】:近几年,,分布式发电大量兴起,微电网以一种更为有效的方式集成了分布式发电、储能设备及可控负荷,便于可再生能源的接入、提高能源利用效率和各种新兴技术的融合,已经成为智能电网的重要组成部分。微电网电源的优化配置是微电网规划设计阶段的核心内容,而如何实现能源资源的优化分配与微电网的安全、可靠、经济、环保运行又密切相关。因此,研究微电网电源的优化配置及其经济调度具有重要的现实意义。 本文在分析微电网电源优化配置及其经济调度问题国内外研究现状和侧重点的基础上,首先建立了风力发电系统、光伏发电系统、燃料电池、柴油发电机组和储能系统的稳态输出及成本模型,并给出了微电网内选择各分布式电源及其并网方式的简单建议;其次针对一个风光储互补独立型微电网,建立了其容量优化配置模型,提出了基于混合量子遗传算法的模型求解方法,算例中通过与典型量子遗传算法和普通遗传算法的收敛性对比分析,验证了该算法在收敛速度和全局收敛性上的优越性;然后从负荷可控性角度,将微电网内负荷分为重要负荷、可调整负荷和可平移负荷三类,针对可控性最强的一类可平移负荷建立了其数学模型并提出了负荷平移策略;最后,结合能源分配与负荷资源管理,考虑动态调度特点,研究了计及可平移负荷的微电网经济优化调度问题,将调度视为一类多阶段决策问题,建立了其动态规划模型,根据问题特殊性(目标函数二次,约束条件线性),又将动态规划转化为序列二次规划,采用预估校正内点算法进行求解。仿真分析结果验证了负荷平移在电力负荷削峰填谷、提高微电网运行经济性和减少弃风弃光方面的作用。
[Abstract]:In recent years, a growing number of distributed generation, micro grid in a more effective way of integration of distributed generation, energy storage devices and controllable loads, access to renewable energy, improve energy efficiency and integration of emerging technology, has become an important part of smart grid. Optimization of micro grid power supply is the core content of micro grid planning and design stage, and how to realize the optimal allocation of energy resources and micro grid safety, reliability, economy, environmental protection and operation are closely related. Therefore, has important practical significance to research on the optimal allocation of micro grid power supply and economic dispatch.
Based on the analysis of micro grid power supply and optimization of economic dispatch status and research emphasis on domestic issues, first established the wind power generation system, photovoltaic system, fuel cell, steady output and cost model of diesel generators and energy storage system, and gives suggestions to choose a simple distributed power source and grid connected mode of micro in the network; for a second complementary scenery storage independent micro grid, establishes the capacity optimal allocation model, put forward the solution method of the model based on hybrid quantum genetic algorithm, convergence analysis is compared with the typical quantum genetic algorithm and genetic algorithm by ordinary cases, verify the superiority of the algorithm in convergence speed and global convergence; and then from the angle of controllable load in microgrid, the load is divided into important load, adjustable load and shifting load three, needle The strongest controllability of a class of moving load has established its mathematical model and put forward the load translation strategy; finally, combined with the energy load distribution and resource management, considering the characteristics of dynamic scheduling, and shifting load of micro grid economic scheduling problem, the scheduling is viewed as a kind of multi stage decision problems, establish the dynamic programming model, according to the special problem (objective function two times, and the linear constraints) dynamic programming is transformed into a sequence of two quadratic programming, the predictor corrector interior point algorithm. The simulation results show the load shift in power load peak, improve the micro economic operation of the power grid and reduce abandoned abandoned wind light effect.



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