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发布时间:2018-01-07 23:12

  本文关键词:可再生能源发电及其控制策略的研究 出处:《北京理工大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 风能 功率密度函数 威布尔分布 瑞利分布 频率分布 容量系数 风玫瑰 统计数据 经济分析 太阳能 日照时数 晴空指数 全球水平辐射 散射辐射 倾斜角

【摘要】:能源,来自多种资源的现代生活必需品,变化成各种形态推动所有系统的运行。世界上每一个国家的大多数人完全依赖于源源不断供给到他们生活和工作环境的能源。任何国家的经济和社会的稳定在很大程度地建立在可利用的能源上面。能源是发展中国家向发达的国家迈进,也是民族变得更加繁荣昌盛的最强大的武器。几十年来,核能和化石燃料是大多数发达国家和一些发展中国家能源的核心来源。核技术在发展中国家能源生产领域的使用面临很多障碍,例如成本高,技术壁垒和国际限制等。此外,核电站产生的核废料会造成严重的环境问题。以目前的开采速度,化石燃料预计将在未来数十年内耗尽。化石燃料的长期使用也会造成污染,于是温室气体排放和气候变化的影响将很快遍布整个地球。环境的恶化,上涨的能源价格,供应的不确定性,以及核能源问题使得能源的发展趋势越来越不可持续,因此有必要的在能源安全,环境保护和经济发展之间取得更好的平衡。因此使用新型的,持久的,贴近自然的,便宜干净的能源是非常明智的。在目前的情况下,可再生能源,诸如风能、太阳能、沼气、地热以及潮汐是人类最好的选择。自然属性和无穷无尽的来源使得可再生能源有可能为人类环境和经济所面临的各种问题提供解决途径。 巴基斯坦拥有丰富的可再生能源和几乎所有类型的潜在可再生能源。例如太阳能(光伏、热)、沼气、风、生物能、地热、转废为能、潮汐/海洋能源等等。本研究的主要目的是探索、分析和评估在巴基斯坦信德省的可再生能源资源和其发电潜力。对太阳能资源的评估已经进行并确定其潜在位置是信德省的南部地区。由于太阳能测试的发散数据无法使用,因此使用一些现有的模型来估计太阳辐射的组成。九个新模型被用来预测在倾斜面上的太阳辐射,并且基于测试结果的统计指标选择了最好的模型。每个月的、季节性的、半年和年度最佳倾角已经确定。最佳倾角从今年5月,6月和7月的0变成12月的49。年最佳倾斜角为23。每个月最佳垂直表面上的太阳照射和辐射的总量都经过计算然后与水平表面上的进行比较。调查地点推荐半年度调整一次最佳倾角,因为和月度调整和季节性调整相比,太阳能年收益的差别很小。通过整年和四季的总能量的计算,推导出了获得能量最大年收益的最佳倾角。 在信德省南部地区的Babaurband、Hawksbay和Gharo这些地方,,风能资源的技术和经济评估已经进行。三地的实时风力数据的收集从2003年便开始一直持续到到2011年,并且分析估计了三个地方风的威布尔分布数据和威布尔参数。不同的制造商的风力涡轮机发电以及成本分析也已完成。 在Gharo,年平均风速超过5米/秒。最有可能的风速为9.356米/秒,携带能量最大的风速是11.43米/秒。风功率和能量密度超过260瓦/平方米和2300千瓦/平方米。五年内,在Gharo几乎所有的风向是西风。GE45.7风力涡轮机产生0.56容量因子的11.220GWh能量。估计每千瓦时的能源成本是0.0255美元。 Babaurband站点的年平均风速为6.712米/秒,在80m高度的功率密度为310瓦/平方米,在四月至八月有高功率密度(最高点是五月份的风速9.595米/秒,功率密度732瓦/平方米)。估计每千瓦时来自风能的电力的的成本是0.0263美元/千瓦时。 每年四月到八月,在Hawksbay, Karachi海拔为80米的高功率密度区的平均风速是5.9m/s,功率密度为197w/m2,估计每千瓦时成本是0.0345美元。 本研究工作使用7种数值方法来分析和比较候选位置可用风力数据的威布尔尺度和形状参数的。
[Abstract]:Energy resources from a variety of modern necessities of life, changes in a variety of forms to promote all the operation of the system. Most of the people in the world each country is completely dependent on the Everfount supply to their living and working environment of energy. Any country's economic and social stability in the largely based on available energy energy. Is developing to developed countries is also becoming more thriving and prosperous nation forward, the most powerful weapon. For decades, nuclear and fossil fuels are the most developed countries and some developing countries. The core of energy sources to use nuclear technology in developing countries in the field of energy production is faced with many obstacles, such as high cost, technical barriers and international restrictions. In addition nuclear power plant, the nuclear waste will cause serious environmental problems. In the current production rate, the fossil fuel is expected to be in The next few decades exhausted. The long-term use of fossil fuels will cause pollution, so the impact of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change will soon spread across the globe. The deterioration of the environment, rising energy prices, supply uncertainty, and nuclear energy problems make the development trend of energy increasingly unsustainable, so it is necessary to in energy security, achieve a better balance between environmental protection and economic development. Therefore the use of new, durable, natural, clean and cheap energy is very wise. In the current situation, renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, biogas, geothermal and tidal is the best choice for human sources. Natural and inexhaustible renewable energy makes possible problems facing the human environment and economy to provide solutions.
Pakistan has abundant renewable energy potential and almost all types of renewable energy such as solar energy. (photovoltaic, thermal), biogas, wind, biomass, geothermal, waste to energy, tidal energy / Ocean and so on. The main purpose of this study is to explore, analysis and evaluation in Pakistan province of Sindh and its renewable energy resources power has potential. Assessment of solar energy resources and determine its potential position in southern Sindh province. Due to the divergence of data solar test can not be used, so the use of some existing models to estimate the composition of solar radiation. Nine new model was used to predict the inclination of solar radiation on the inclined plane, and based on the statistical index the test results of selecting the best model. The monthly, seasonal, semiannual and annual best angle has been determined. The best angle from May this year, June and July 0 to December A total of 49. years the optimum tilt angle as the sun radiation and the monthly 23. best on the vertical surface are calculated and compared with the horizontal surface. The semi annual survey sites recommend a best angle adjustment, and because the monthly and seasonal adjustment compared to solar energy adjustment, annual earnings by calculating the difference is very small. The total energy and the four seasons of the year, deduced the best angle for maximum energy annual revenue.
In the southern province of Sindh Babaurband, Hawksbay and Gharo in these places, the technical and economic evaluation of wind energy resources has been carried out. Three the real-time wind data collection began until 2011 from 2003, and the estimation and analysis of three local wind Weibull distribution and Weibull parameters data of different manufacturers. The wind turbines and the cost analysis has been completed.
In Gharo, the annual average wind speed of more than 5 meters per second wind speed. The most likely to carry the wind speed 9.356 M / s, the maximum energy is 11.43 meters / sec. Wind power and energy density of more than 260 w / m2 and 2300 kW / m2. In five years, almost all of the Gharo is westerly wind.GE45.7 wind turbines to generate 0.56 capacity factor 11.220GWh. Energy estimation per kWh of energy cost is $0.0255.
The annual average wind speed of Babaurband site is 6.712 M / s in 80m high power density of 310 watts / square meter, a high power density in April to August (the highest point is the May wind speed 9.595 M / s, the power density of 732 w / m2). To estimate the power per kilowatt hour from the wind the cost is $0.0263 / kWh.
From April to August, the average wind speed at Hawksbay, Karachi at 80 meters above sea level is 5.9m/s, and the power density is 197w/m2. The estimated cost is 0.0345 dollars per kilowatt hour.
In this study, 7 numerical methods are used to analyze and compare the Weibull scale and shape parameters of the candidate locations of the wind data.





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