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发布时间:2018-01-08 08:41

  本文关键词:水电站机组及厂房振动信号精细分频分析 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 水电站 振动 精细分频 小波分析 密集模态分离

[Abstract]:The vibration of hydropower unit and its induced vibration of powerhouse structure is an important problem which involves the safe and stable operation of hydropower station. The large hydropower stations that have been put into production have different degrees of vibration problems. Posed a threat to the normal operation of the power station and the safety of the staff; With the development of modern hydraulic turbine unit towards high water head, some new characteristics will appear in its dynamic characteristics, and the unknown factors which will affect the safe and stable operation of the unit will increase accordingly. The research on vibration law of hydropower unit and powerhouse structure can provide reference for the design and operation of hydropower station in the future and is a very valuable research topic in hydropower construction. In the power station of long tunnel, vibration signals are collected by real machine test in the field, and the signal is analyzed by fine frequency division. The main research contents and conclusions include: 1) through the analysis of the vibration source of the power station, it is found that the vibration signal of the unit and workshop has a wide range of frequency domain and the frequency of vibration source is clear. The characteristics of energy disparity of each vibration source; According to the above characteristics, combining the theory of wavelet transform and wavelet packet transform, an analysis method of fine frequency division is established. The vibration signals of each key measuring point of the unit and powerhouse structure of the power station with variable load are analyzed and decomposed into several relatively single vibration signals in the frequency domain. In order to explain the vibration reason of the unit and powerhouse of the hydropower station, the analysis results show that the 1Hz frequency band occupies the main energy in the vibration signals of most measuring points. Especially in the vibration signal of the low load condition along the river and the vertical direction of the measuring point; Low frequency hydraulic vibration source is the main cause of the vibration of this kind of power station. Based on the previous research, the vibration characteristics of the water body of the pressure pipeline of the power station are studied. The possibility of water resonance is analyzed. The results show that the natural vibration frequency of the water body of the power station is 0.45 ~ 0.9Hz. There is a partial overlap region with the frequency range of 0.463 ~ 0. 927 Hz in the tailwater vortex zone. Therefore, the possibility of water resonance in the power station. (4) through the summary of the method of dense modal identification and the experiment of simulation signal modal identification, the signal with inverse attenuation exponent window is selected. Then fine frequency division, which is suitable for intensive modal separation, is used to identify the vibration data of hydropower plant.


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