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发布时间:2018-01-09 06:32

  本文关键词:功率变换器变压器的EMI特性研究 出处:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 功率变换器 变压器 高频模型 EMI特性 传导干扰

[Abstract]:The electromagnetic compatibility problem, is an important part of the theory and technology of power converter, isolated structure is commonly used in the power converter topology, as transformer isolation device has an important influence on the characteristics of electromagnetic compatibility. The transformer as the research object, the main characteristics of EMI transformer is studied, and the establishment of a power converter transformer electric, magnetic integrated model, not only has theoretical significance, but also has good practicability. This paper summarizes the present situation of research and development of EMI transformer, the capacitive distribution parameters of the transformer is one of the key factors influencing the EMI noise. It is pointed out that the common port effective capacitance of the transformer can reflect the inhibition ability of transformer EMI common mode noise, introduces the calculation and measurement methods for common port effective capacitance, and analyzes the different transformer structure, different connecting terminals to choose Effect of different position and the auxiliary winding of the common mode port effective capacitance, in order to determine the effect of these factors on the characteristics of EMI transformer. By inhibiting the characteristic analysis of transformer winding capacitance in EMI common mode noise current and electric energy storage characteristics, analyzed to reflect the characteristics of a high frequency transformer energy storage port and two port electromagnetic noise suppression the three capacitor model, and the multilayer winding, a variety of winding arrangement situation is analyzed, summarized the structure and parameters of capacitive model under various conditions. The characteristics of EMI transformer further study pointed out: EMI noise characteristic parameters of the transformer in the high frequency range is not purely capacitive nature, only transmission characteristics of EMI capacitive distribution parameters of the transformer and the actual situation there is a big deviation. Based on the three capacitor model, is proposed Considering the potential distribution and the influence of magnetic field of the transformer winding power, new model of comprehensive magnetic inductance obtained by mutual decoupling model by the transformer insertion loss of emotional state. In order to make the model better for different turn ratio transformer, the electric, magnetic and synthetically improved model can be applied to the actual simulation the electric and magnetic integrated model. The flyback power converter as the research platform, analyzes the transmission noise coupling paths of the common mode and differential mode noise coupling path, pointed out that the distribution parameters of the transformer affects only the common mode noise of the converter, and has little effect on the differential mode noise. The measured insertion loss to the research object the curve and the established model are compared. The electric magnetic insertion loss curve, the results verify the accuracy of the model. On the basis of the establishment of power transformer, magnetic integrated model The conduction EMI of the prototype system is simulated and predicted, and the common mode noise spectrum obtained by simulation is compared with the measured common mode curve of the prototype. The comparison results verify the practicability and effectiveness of the model.



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