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发布时间:2018-01-09 07:13

  本文关键词:级联多电平有源电力滤波器及其容错技术的研究 出处:《辽宁工程技术大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 级联多电平 容错技术 直流侧电压均衡 载波相移PWM调制

[Abstract]:Due to the extensive use of power electronic equipment in coal mine power supply network, serious power quality problems, especially harmonic pollution, have been caused. The active power filter (APF) is one of the commonly used measures to suppress and compensate harmonics effectively. However, with the increase of the voltage level of the power network, the power equipment becomes more and more high-voltage and high-power. . Low-voltage and low-power APF can not meet the needs of modern power systems. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the cascaded multilevel APF suitable for medium, high voltage and high power. This paper mainly studies the cascaded multilevel APF suitable for 6KV coal mine power supply system. The advantages and disadvantages of multilevel topology in the application of APF are analyzed. A cascaded multilevel converter structure suitable for APF is proposed. The fault-tolerant technology of the topology is studied. This paper mainly studies the redundant fault-tolerant technology suitable for topology, the cause of cascaded converter failure and the fault treatment method, and studies the principle of multilevel control. The carrier phase-shifted PWM is chosen as the basic control method of the topology. The common harmonic detection algorithm is studied and an improved harmonic detection algorithm based on ip-iq is proposed. The algorithm does not need phase-locked loop circuit. It has the characteristics of high precision, high real time, low computation and so on. The control method of cascaded multilevel APF DC side capacitor voltage is studied. This paper presents a stable control strategy for the total voltage of the DC side capacitance and the equalization control strategy for each capacitor voltage in the phase. Finally, an experimental prototype of cascaded multilevel APF system is designed and proved by simulation. The harmonic detection algorithm proposed in this paper, the topology structure of multilevel converter and its control algorithm, can be applied to harmonic compensation of power system, which has practical and engineering significance.


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