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发布时间:2018-01-09 11:04

  本文关键词:老工业区原有燃煤锅炉和发电设备改造再利用评价方法 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 老工业区改造 燃煤锅炉 发电设备 改造再利用 价值工程 评分方法

【摘要】:随着城市化进程不断加快,我国工商产业呈现出多样化、可持续发展的特点。工业企业转型、工业区功能转变、场地搬迁等现象屡见不鲜,导致老工业区的大批工业建筑和能源基础设施闲置、使用效率低。目前,我国为了解决以上问题,对部分老工业建筑本体进行了再利用改造并积累了很多实践经验。但是,对于能源基础设施的改造基本停留在拆除重建阶段,导致大量资源的浪费。所以,本文以燃煤锅炉和发电设备为例,在借鉴老工业区建筑本体改造经验和方法的基础上,对能源基础设施的改造再利用评价方法进行研究。首先,通过对比分析几种经典评价方法的特点及其适用范围,结合老工业区燃煤锅炉和发电设备改造再利用的特点,选择价值工程与层次分析法及专家打分法相结合的综合评价方法,即应用价值工程评价方法建立相应的评价体系,采用层次分析法和专家打分法确定各指标权重值。其次,根据本文确定的综合评价方法建立老工业区燃煤锅炉和发电设备改造再利用评价模型。评价模型主要包括燃煤锅炉和发电设备一票否决性指标的建立、常规功能指标的建立、常规功能指标权重和评分方法的确定。此外提出了燃煤锅炉和发电设备改造再利用全寿命周期成本的计算方法及价值指数的计算方法。本文收集天津地区燃煤锅炉和发电设备相关基础数据,邀请行业内部专家对评价模型中各项评价指标相对重要程度进行打分,并计算相应指标权重,使用Visual Basic 6.0编写“原有燃煤锅炉和发电设备改造再利用评价”可视化程序。本文将选用的能源设备改造再利用的评价方法和评价模型应用到天津某一老工业厂区燃煤锅炉改造和另一老工业厂区发电设备改造的实际工程中。通过详细调研,获得能源设备改造再利用评价方面的相关资料及数据。结合当前的改造特点,分别对燃煤锅炉和发电设备各自三种不同的改造方案进行评价。从而得出燃煤锅炉改造工程采用在原有燃煤锅炉基础上改造再利用的方案为最优方案;发电设备改造工程采用“拆除重建”并选用更高的装机容量的发电设备改造方案为最优方案。通过对以上两个改造工程实例结果的分析,得出本文所选择的评价方法及建立的评价模型是合理的,而且对老工业区原有燃煤锅炉和发电设备改造再利用具有较好的指导意义。
[Abstract]:Along with the accelerating process of city, industry and commerce industry in China presents the diversification, the characteristics of sustainable development. The industrial enterprise transformation, transformation of industrial area, relocation site It is often seen. phenomenon, leading to the old industrial area of a large number of industrial buildings and energy infrastructure to idle, low efficiency. At present, our country in order to solve the above problems, the the body part of the old industrial buildings of the renovation and accumulated a lot of experience. However, for the transformation of energy infrastructure remain in the demolition and reconstruction stage, resulting in a large waste of resources. Therefore, the coal-fired boilers and power generation equipment as an example, on the basis of the old industrial zone construction experience and methods of ontology transformation and carries out the research on the transformation and reuse of energy infrastructure. Firstly, through the comparison and analysis of several classic characteristics evaluation method and its application scope, combined with the old industry The characteristics of industry area of coal-fired boilers and power generation equipment reuse, comprehensive evaluation and selection of value engineering and AHP and expert scoring method, namely the application of evaluation method of value engineering to establish corresponding evaluation system, using AHP and expert scoring method to determine the weight of each index value. Secondly, according to the comprehensive evaluation of the the method of establishing the old industrial area of coal-fired boilers and power generation equipment to reuse the evaluation model. The model mainly includes coal-fired boilers and power generation equipment to establish a veto index, establish regular function index, determine the index weight and the function of conventional scoring method. The calculation methods of life cycle cost and value index the use of coal-fired boilers and power generation equipment modification is proposed. This paper collects the related basic data of coal-fired boilers and power generation equipment in Tianjin, invited for Industry experts on the evaluation model for evaluation of the relative importance of scoring, and calculate the index weight, using Visual Basic 6 to write the "evaluation" visualization program reuse the existing coal-fired boilers and power transformation equipment. In this paper, application of evaluation methods and evaluation model of energy transformation and reuse of equipment used to practical Engineering in the power equipment transformation a reconstruction of Tianjin old industrial plant coal-fired boilers and other old industrial plant. Through the detailed investigation and obtain relevant information about energy equipment reuse evaluation and data. Combined with the transformation characteristics, were evaluated on coal-fired boilers and power generation equipment respectively three different rehabilitation programs. So that the coal fired boiler the renovation project based on the original coal-fired boiler reuse scheme is optimal; transformation of power generation equipment using engineering" The demolition and reconstruction and selection of installed capacity of power generation equipment transformation plan higher for the optimal solution. Based on the analysis of the above two project results, the evaluation method in this paper to choose and establish the evaluation model is reasonable, and then has good guidance for the old industrial area of the existing coal-fired boilers and the transformation of power generation equipment.



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