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发布时间:2018-01-09 11:19

  本文关键词:正极添加剂对阀控密封铅酸蓄电池电化学性能的影响 出处:《安徽工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 阀控密封铅酸蓄电池 正极板栅 正极添加剂 电化学性能

[Abstract]:The lead-acid battery is considered to be one of the most promising vehicle power supply, but the positive plate of low capacity and easy softening and shedding limits the development of lead-acid battery. The positive grid and cathode additives to start, in order to improve the battery discharge capacity and cycle life of the discharge. The electrochemical performance test, cycle life test. Cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Tafel curve test, the test of X ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy to study the influence of different processes on the electrochemical performance of anode grid, the electrochemical behavior of anode grid and carbon fibers with different scanning speed and temperature effect of titanium suboxide silica and three kinds of positive additives on performance of lead-acid the battery. The results show that: 520 DEG C temperature 540 C, 90 C the mild aging process of positive plate is more suitable for the process of lead-acid battery. Positive grid of less oxygen, less the amount of Pb dissolved in the electrolyte, the battery deep cycling performance is better, PCL is relatively small, and the grid corrosion resistance and conductivity of equilibrium. At the same time there are constraints between the temperature, temperature and aging temperature of the three, together with the influence of grid performance. In addition, there may be conflict between grid performance, grid technology and many aspects need to weigh both. Positive grid work in the condition of high temperature, hydrogen and oxygen evolution rate increased, grid corrosion speed, improve the battery charge and discharge performance, the capacity is increased. The positive additive of carbon fiber can improve the battery capacity and cycle life, better than the large surface area of effect, and the optimum dosage was 0.5 per thousand. Carbon fiber can refine the active material particles, were relatively stable. A small amount of carbon fiber conductive network formed in the active material That can make the current distribution is more uniform, improving plateformation efficiency and battery discharge performance, but also can enhance the mechanical strength of active substances, delay the softening and shedding of battery, improve cycling performance. In addition to add a small amount of carbon fiber can also reduce the amount of hydrogen battery and oxygen. The positive additive can improve the battery discharge capacity of titanium suboxide. The high rate discharge when the titanium suboxide effect is more obvious, when the adding amount was 5 per 1000 battery capacity up, than the battery capacity without adding titanium suboxide can increase about 13%. The content of titanium suboxide can high polar plate PbO, refining plate particles, and the particle size is more uniform.SiO2 cathode additives can improve the battery discharge capacity at room temperature. The amount of SiO2 is 3 when battery discharge capacity of up to 3C, the discharge capacity can be increased by about 7.5%. at low temperature, S The dosage of iO2 was 5 per thousand in the most favorable to the battery capacity than the test battery without the addition of SiO2 can be increased by about 12%. two is not the same reason should be the battery discharge and discharge mechanism of different amount of.SiO2 were positive in 3 per thousand and 5 per thousand students in PbO were around 40%, and the elastic plate particles the suitable degree, is conducive to the electrode reaction and maintain the binding force between particles.



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