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发布时间:2018-01-09 14:17

  本文关键词:核电站主控室人—系界面综合评价方法研究 出处:《哈尔滨工程大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 主控室人-系界面 综合评价 权重分配 人体模型 评价指标体系

[Abstract]:Master control room in nuclear power station is the central safety monitor and control the operation of the nuclear power plant state, is the most frequent interaction - place, human system plays a very important role in the interface design of the merits of the nuclear power station safe operation of nuclear power plant. The main control room - Department of comprehensive evaluation interface is a nuclear power plant investment the operation must fulfill the security review process. Therefore, to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the system interface not only has important theoretical significance, but also has important application value in engineering. Based on the nuclear power station main control room - line interface as the research object, summarizes the status and development of human system interface evolution and evaluation of research based on the comprehensive analysis of domestic and foreign department and related evaluation theory of interface technology, proposed the existing problems, determine the content of this article. The main research work is as follows: the analysis of domestic and foreign - system interface standards, norms and guidelines, combined with the actual situation of domestic standards have been promulgated, the master control room in nuclear power station - system should follow the comprehensive evaluation of the interface standard. According to the principle of establishing evaluation index system, combined with expert quality model and Delphy Fa, construction of the nuclear power station main control room of people - the Department of comprehensive evaluation index system of interface, and the index system of the validity and stability are verified. Expansion in the level of analysis based on the advantages and disadvantages of weighting method, and according to the evaluation index system of human interface multi-level, multi attribute characteristics, puts forward the fuzzy weight allocation method based on interval number. Through the establishment of scale the conversion model, get the fuzzy interval number judgment matrix, improved judgment matrix the traditional scaling system. On this basis, the judgment matrix consistency approximation, combined with the error transfer theory, get the weight of evaluation index The interval estimation sequence, and constructs the decision model of the fuzzy gravity sequence. At the same time, the introduction of confidence to test the evaluation index weight distribution. The reliability of nuclear power plant main control room - Department of comprehensive evaluation interface method. First, based on grey matter element analysis method of the human system interface composite grey evaluation element matrix. The composite grey element matrix for the quantitative evaluation index of incommensurable problem, establishes a quantitative evaluation model based on the measurement of ergonomics; it is difficult to quantify the qualitative indicators, established quantitative evaluation model based on fuzzy decision expert system for scheduling problems; one of the interface elements, a sort of evaluation simulated annealing model based on ant colony algorithm. Then, establishes the evaluation index of the classical domain and joint domain gray ash, get the upper index evaluation results by correlation function. Finally, by constructing the human community system Comprehensive evaluation of the surface aggregation model evaluation results are integrated to get people - Department of comprehensive evaluation results. The evaluation interface created to meet the human dimensions standard China adults with operator body model. The model can choose the model of human body percentiles and attitude according to the needs of the evaluation, benchmarking with operation space required. With the head rotation and joint angle character reference adjustment function, can complete the work space, visibility and comfort evaluation. The master control room in nuclear power station - Department of comprehensive evaluation of interface software development. Integrated evaluation index system, weight distribution, comprehensive evaluation method, the standard query evaluation system and model of the human body module. The comprehensive evaluation of the same interface software platform based on the nuclear power station main control room - system, improve the efficiency and accuracy of the evaluation work. The comprehensive evaluation system of human interface method And the evaluation software is evaluated, and the human system interface of a nuclear power plant's main control room is evaluated. Based on the evaluation results, the human system interface is improved and verified. The results show that the comprehensive evaluation method of human interface in nuclear power plant's main control room is feasible and effective.



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