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发布时间:2018-01-11 05:23

  本文关键词:行波反射法电缆故障检测关键技术研究 出处:《哈尔滨理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 行波反射法 小波降噪 电缆故障测距 电缆接头 加权系数法

【摘要】:随着经济快速发展和城市规模逐渐增大,城市用电量逐年增加,供电安全对于保证城市的正常运行具有重要作用。考虑到城市的美观性,城市配电网越来越多的采用电缆代替原来的架空裸导线。由于电缆铺设在地下,运行环境恶劣,加之复杂电磁环境的影响,当发生电缆故障时很难进行故障点排查。因此,准确、快速的检测电缆故障,对于保证电力供电可靠性和稳定性具有重要意义。 本文根据行波反射法理论进行了脉冲源、反射波起始点辨识和电缆接头故障检测的相关技术研究。首先,根据试验需要设计了脉冲源,用于电缆开路、断路和接头故障检测。其次,针对行波法检测电缆故障时,高频噪声信号降低反射波起始点辨识精度的问题,本文在研究传统小波降噪的基础上,提出了改进加权系数法对信号进行降噪处理。改进加权系数法降噪效果明显,但是计算量大,需要借助PC机进行运算,不适于在以单片机为内核的移动设备上运行,为此提出了曲线拟合法进行反射波起始点的辨识,通过对反射波上的特征点进行曲线拟合。最后,针对传统电缆接头只能检测单一接头的不足,,提出了采用行波法进行电缆接头故障检测,并进行了相应试验。 采用行波法对接头进行检测不仅扩大了行波法检测电缆故障的使用领域,而且为电缆接头故障检测领域提供了新的方法。本文通过对电缆故障检测关键技术的研究,解决了电缆故障检测的难点,为电网快速恢复供电,保证电网安全可靠运行提供了技术支持。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and city scale increases gradually, city consumption increased year by year, the safety of power supply plays an important role in ensuring the normal operation of the city. Considering the appearance of the city, by more and more city cable distribution network to replace the original bare overhead conductor. The cable laying on the ground, harsh working environment, and because of the complex influence the electromagnetic environment, when the cable fault is difficult for fault investigation. Therefore, accurate and rapid detection of the cable fault, it is of great significance to guarantee the power supply reliability and stability.
This paper according to the pulse wave reflection method theory, research on related technology of reflection wave starting point identification and cable joint fault detection. Firstly, according to the need of the experiment of pulse source for open circuit breaker design, cable, connector and fault detection. Secondly, according to the detection of the cable fault traveling wave method, to reduce the reflected wave starting point identification accuracy the high frequency noise signal, based on the research of the traditional wavelet denoising, put forward the improvement method of weighted coefficient of noise in signal processing. The improved method of weighted coefficient and noise reduction effect is obvious, but the large amount of calculation, need to be calculated by means of PC machine, is not suitable for mobile devices running on the kernel in SCM, this paper proposes the curve fitting the identification of reflection wave starting point, through the curve fitting of the feature points of reflection wave. Finally, in view of the traditional cable connector can only detect single joint In this paper, the traveling wave method is used to detect the fault of the cable joint, and the corresponding test is carried out.
For joint detection not only expand the field of cable traveling wave fault detection by using the travelling wave method, and provides a new method for the field of cable joint fault detection. In this paper, through the research on the key technology of cable fault detection, to solve the problem of cable fault detection, power grid for the rapid restoration of power supply, which provides technical support for safe and reliable operation of the power grid.



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