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发布时间:2018-01-11 12:07

  本文关键词:微电网电源容量优化配置与最优经济运行的模型和算法研究 出处:《重庆大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 微电网 容量优化配置 最优经济运行 启发式调整策略 需求侧响应

【摘要】:随着全球能源和环境问题日益突出,以风能、太阳能为代表的新能源的开发和利用越来越受到关注。然而,风力发电和太阳能发电出力具有随机性和间歇性等特点,大规模接入后容易对电网造成较大的扰动。微电网作为单一可控的单元,方便了多种分布式电源的接入和管理,以其灵活、智能控制的特点为新能源的开发和利用提供了一种良好的途径。微电网电源容量优化配置是微电网规划设计阶段的重要工作,对提高系统供电可靠性和运行经济性具有重要意义;而微电网最优经济运行分析是保证微电网安全、可靠性、经济运行的保障。本文受国家电网公司科技项目“间歇式可再生能源海岛电网运行技术研究及工程示范”的资助,对微电网电源容量优化配置、安全经济运行以及电价优化等问题开展了一系列的研究工作。 计及环保成本、弃风惩罚费用以及储能设备寿命和可靠性等因素,分别以总成本最小和弃风惩罚费用最小为目标函数,建立了孤立微电网电源容量多目标优化配置模型。采用自适应遗传算法对模型进行求解,并进一步分析了弃风惩罚费用和可靠性约束对孤立风/储/微燃机微电网电源容量优化配置结果的影响。算例分析表明:弃风惩罚费用对微电网电源容量优化配置结果具有较大影响,在实际微电网规划中需考虑弃风惩罚费用的影响;在进行微电网规划时,还需考虑可靠性约束的影响,根据用户对可靠性的要求,在可靠性和投资间进行权衡。 以孤立型微电网和并网型微电网为研究对象,研究了铅酸蓄电池充放电深度和次数对其寿命的影响并折算为经济成本;针对风电机组出力间歇性对系统运行备用的影响,采用概率约束反映旋转备用配置的置信水平,分别建立了孤立微电网和并网微电网最优经济运行模型。选用粒子群算法对模型进行求解,为提高算法迭代过程中可行解的产生效率,提出了一种启发式的常规机组出力和储能充放电调整策略。分别以孤立微电网和并网微电网为例进行算例分析,验证了所提模型和算法的正确性和有效性,并进一步讨论了铅酸蓄电池寿命损耗成本、旋转备用配置、电源出力调整策略等对最优经济运行计划的影响。 研究用户对分时电价的响应特性,基于消费者心理学原理建立用户负荷对分时电价的响应特性曲线;在前述微电网最优经济运行模型的基础上,进一步计入用户需求侧响应的影响,以供电企业效益最大化为目标,以需求侧响应下峰谷分时电价为决策变量,建立了基于用户需求侧响应和微电网经济运行的电价优化模型。该模型可用于求解给定时段内(如一天内)最佳峰谷分时电价,为微电网电价制定提供量化决策依据。算例分析表明,基于该电价优化模型,可在不增加用户购电成本的条件下,降低微电网运行成本,,提高供电企业收益。
[Abstract]:With the increasingly prominent global energy and environmental problems, the development and utilization of new energy, represented by wind energy and solar energy, has been paid more and more attention. Wind power generation and solar power generation have the characteristics of randomness and intermittency. The micro-grid is a single controllable unit. It facilitates the access and management of various distributed power sources, so that they are flexible. The characteristics of intelligent control provide a good way for the development and utilization of new energy. The optimal configuration of power supply capacity of microgrid is an important work in the planning and design phase of microgrid. It is of great significance to improve the power supply reliability and operation economy of the system. The optimal economic operation analysis of microgrid is to ensure the security and reliability of microgrid. This paper is funded by the technology project of "intermittent renewable energy island power grid operation technology research and engineering demonstration", and optimizes the configuration of power supply capacity of microgrid. A series of research work has been carried out on safety and economic operation and electricity price optimization. Taking into account the cost of environmental protection, the penalty cost of abandonment and the life and reliability of energy storage equipment, the objective functions are the minimum total cost and the minimum penalty cost of abandoned wind, respectively. A multi-objective optimal configuration model of power supply capacity in isolated microgrid is established, and the adaptive genetic algorithm is used to solve the model. Furthermore, the effects of penalty cost and reliability constraints on the optimal configuration of power supply capacity of isolated wind / storage / micro gas turbine microgrid are analyzed. The penalty cost of abandoning wind has great influence on the optimal configuration of power supply capacity of microgrid. In the actual microgrid planning, the effect of wind abandonment penalty cost should be considered. In the process of microgrid planning, the influence of reliability constraints should be considered, and the balance between reliability and investment should be taken into account according to the reliability requirements of users. Taking isolated microgrid and grid-connected microgrid as research objects, the effects of charging and discharging depth and times of lead-acid battery on its life are studied and converted into economic cost. In view of the effect of the intermittent output of wind turbine on the operational reserve of the system, the probability constraint is used to reflect the confidence level of the rotating standby configuration. The optimal economic operation models of isolated microgrid and grid-connected microgrid are established, and the particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to solve the model, in order to improve the efficiency of the feasible solution in the iterative process of the algorithm. A heuristic adjustment strategy for generating force and storage charge and discharge of conventional generating units is proposed. Examples of isolated microgrid and grid-connected microgrid are given to verify the correctness and validity of the proposed model and algorithm. Furthermore, the effects of life loss cost of lead-acid battery, rotating reserve configuration and power output adjustment strategy on the optimal economic operation plan are discussed. Based on the theory of consumer psychology, the response characteristic curve of user load to timeshare price is established. On the basis of the above model of optimal economic operation of microgrid, the influence of customer demand side response is further taken into account, and the maximum benefit of power supply enterprise is taken as the goal, and the peak and valley time-sharing electricity price under demand side response is taken as decision variable. The electricity price optimization model based on user demand side response and economic operation of microgrid is established, which can be used to solve the optimal peak and valley time-sharing price in a given period of time (such as within a day). The example analysis shows that based on this model, the operation cost of microgrid can be reduced and the profit of power supply enterprise can be increased without increasing the cost of electricity purchase.


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