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发布时间:2018-01-11 20:08

  本文关键词:新密矿区35kV电网防雷计算分析 出处:《河南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 线路防雷 耐雷水平 雷击跳闸率 侵入波 防雷措施

[Abstract]:Xinmi coal mine power network, power supply system of 35kV grade is responsible for most of the coal supply tasks, it is necessary to ensure the safety, stability and reliability. But due to the 35kV power supply line in the area of the region mostly mountainous hilly areas, the terrain is more complex, the terrain changes, frequent lightning activity and high strength that year, high soil resistivity, thunderstorm season, lightning protection become a priority among priorities during the rainy season three work, despite a part of lightning protection measures, but the effect is not ideal, the production and life of the power supply facilities caused by lightning damage accidents often occur, so the research area of 35kV power supply system and lightning protection measures is very the necessary basic electrical parameters. On the basis of the lightning protection data line 35kV Pinchen years and the whole line is measured, considering the topography, tower span, bar The effect of tower grounding resistance of transmission line, establish the lightning simulation calculation model. Based on the analysis of these models, the thesis summarizes the factors which affect the line lightning withstand level and lightning trip rate, then focus on the line in the installation of lightning arrester and change line tower grounding the resistance changes before and after the lightning protection level, summarizing the simulation results obtained by these measures are effective to reduce the lightning trip rate. In addition to analysis of lightning protection for 35kV substation, lightning damage is analyzed, including the lightning, lightning invasion wave effect on the main electrical equipment in substation also, in-depth analysis of the lightning point changes, changes in the inlet line of tower impulse grounding resistance, lightning invasion wave is affected by the degree of improvement Provide the basis for substation lightning protection. Through simulation analysis, summarized the main factors causing 35kV Pinchen lightning trip out rate is high, according to the actual situation of engineering to install arresters in easy to hit the tower, if possible, as far as possible across the board set up bileixian, reducing tower grounding resistance and other comprehensive measures in order to improve the mining area of Xinmi 35kV, the lightning impulse withstand level, reduce the rate of lightning trip.



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