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发布时间:2018-01-12 05:26

  本文关键词:一种基于电流模式的升压控制器设计 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 电流模式 升压 PWM调光

【摘要】:电源管理芯片特别是开关型电源具有高效率,高集成度等优点,在各种电子产品中得到广泛的应用。随着消费类电子的普及,在便携式设备上的应用的开关电源得到了快速发展。由于便携式产品通常使用电池供电,对于低电源电压供电、高效率开关电源转换器设计要求越来越高。高性能的开关电源能显著提高电源的利用效率,增加便携式产品的使用时间。同时能够减少对外围元件的数量要求和尺寸,从而缩小了整个系统的体积和质量。本文设计的一种基于电流模式的升压控制器,以电流模式作为控制方式,在深入分析升压(Boost)控制器的拓扑特点和系统的小信号的基础上,对芯片内部的模块进行了讨论和研究。本论文主要包括以下几个方面内容:1.系统拓扑选择和系统小信号分析。从系统的便携式低功耗应用的功能定位和系统输入输出应用条件选择了升压拓扑。采用了电流模式,加入了电流内环。对系统的各部分建立了小信号的模型,分析了从控制到输出的传输函数。选择了合适的补偿网络,保证系统的稳定性。2.分析并设计了系统的各功能模块。基于CSMC 1μm BCD工艺,并利用了Cadence EDA工具的进行了模块的设计和仿真。本论文主要对系统中的带隙基准、过温保护和误差放大器及补偿网络等模块进行了设计说明和分析,最后对系统进行整体和功能验证。3.系统版图设计和样品测试。对系统部分模块的版图设计进行了说明,并对整体版图的布局考虑作了阐述。对流片样品进行了基本功能的测试,并对系统整体功能验证。基准测试、基准微调测试和其他测试项目都符合设计指标,整体恒流精度为?%4,具有较好的系统性能。
[Abstract]:The power management chip, especially the switching power supply, has the advantages of high efficiency and high integration, and has been widely used in various electronic products. With the popularity of consumer electronics. Switching power supplies for applications in portable devices have developed rapidly. Because portable products are usually powered by batteries, they supply power to low power supply voltages. High efficiency switching power converter design requirements are higher and higher. High performance switching power supply can significantly improve the efficiency of power use. Increase the time of use of portable products. At the same time can reduce the number of peripheral components and size, thus reducing the volume and quality of the whole system. This paper designed a current-mode booster controller. Based on the analysis of the topology characteristics of boost controller and the small signal of the system, the current mode is used as the control mode. This paper mainly includes the following aspects:. 1. System topology selection and system small signal analysis. The boost topology is selected from the functional location of portable low-power applications and system input and output application conditions. Current mode is adopted. The small signal model is established for each part of the system, the transfer function from control to output is analyzed, and the appropriate compensation network is selected. The function modules of the system are analyzed and designed based on CSMC 1 渭 m BCD process. The Cadence EDA tool is used to design and simulate the module. This paper mainly focuses on the bandgap reference in the system. The design and analysis of over-temperature protection, error amplifier and compensation network are given. Finally, the overall and functional verification of the system. 3. System layout design and sample testing. Part of the system module layout design is described. The basic function of the convection sample is tested, and the whole function of the system is verified. The benchmark test, the benchmark fine-tuning test and other test items are all in line with the design criteria. The overall constant-current accuracy is? 4, with better system performance.


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