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发布时间:2018-01-12 07:25

  本文关键词:基于电力系统碳排放流理论的碳排放分摊模型 出处:《长沙理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 低碳电力技术 碳排放流 碳流溯源 碳排放结构 分摊模型

[Abstract]:Global warming caused by excessive emissions of greenhouse gases caused by human activities has brought severe challenges to human development, in order to effectively mitigate and suppress the trend of global warming. Reducing CO2 emissions is the most direct and effective method. As the main emission department of CO2 in China, the power system has to bear important responsibility for emission reduction. The property rights of the CO2 emissions produced in real time in the production process are reasonably distributed, and each participant with the property rights is responsible according to the distribution results. It is conducive to the optimal allocation of emission reduction resources within the system and ultimately promotes the successful completion of the national emission reduction targets internationally. Therefore, the establishment of carbon emission allocation model of power system has obvious practical significance. Based on the theory of carbon emission flow in power system, a real-time carbon emission allocation model is established in this paper. The main research contents are as follows: firstly, the definition and index system of carbon emission flow theory are introduced in detail. This paper discusses the advantages of the carbon emission theory and its calculation method for the apportionment model, because the actual operating object of the apportionment model is the actual lossy network. In view of the limitation that the original carbon flow calculation method is only suitable for lossless networks, after analyzing the influence of boundary constraints such as power flow on carbon flow distribution, the carbon flow calculation method suitable for lossy networks is improved. And the detailed introduction of the process steps. Secondly, on the basis of improving and applicable to the calculation method of carbon flow distribution in lossy networks. In view of the original carbon flow distribution mechanism characteristics analysis model is only suitable for lossless network and biased carbon flow transfer path analysis of two characteristics. Increasing the correlation analysis part between the carbon emission flow and the active power loss of the system branch, the traceability model is focused on production-consumption angle analysis. At the same time, the countercurrent power flow tracing is used to compare and verify. The correctness and superiority of the model are verified by comparing the results of the examples and the analysis. Finally, the power system load analysis theory is used for reference. The carbon emissions generated by thermal power units are divided into three parts according to the use of their corresponding electric energy: carbon emissions from integrated power load, carbon emissions from net loss, carbon emissions from power plants, and so on. The paper puts forward the goal and principle of carbon emission allocation in power system, and establishes a detailed model of carbon emission allocation, including clear allocation object, appropriate time scale and scientific measurement method. Reasonable allocation quota and detailed model steps. Through calculation examples and detailed allocation model using notes and details analysis, the results verify the scientific rationality and operability of the allocation model. Based on the carbon emission flow of power system, this paper discusses and designs the model of carbon emission allocation in power system. The correctness and feasibility of the established model and algorithm are proved by the example analysis. It is hoped that the model will have some reference value for the research on the distribution of carbon emission property rights, the allocation of responsibility and the policy formulation of power system.


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