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  本文关键词:单室微生物燃料电池的电极优化及应用研究 出处:《长安大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 单室微生物燃料电池 石墨烯 聚苯胺 电极修饰 土霉素

【摘要】:微生物燃料电池(Microbial Fuel Cell,MFC)是一种利用产电微生物的催化作用将有机物中所含的化学能转化为电能的装置。该技术可以作为一种新型的废水处理方式,在处理废水的同时产电。目前,关于微生物燃料电池的研究还不成熟,微生物燃料电池技术的发展仍然有许多问题亟待解决。其中,阻碍该技术商业化和实际应用扩大化的两大问题是产电性能差和成本高,而电极材料则是决定MFC产电性能和成本的关键因素。如何通过对阴阳极材料修饰优化来提高MFC的整体产电性能显得尤为重要。本文以单室微生物燃料电池为基础,以石墨烯和聚苯胺为修饰材料,分别对MFC的阴阳极进行修饰优化,探讨了阴阳极的修饰优化对MFC产电性能的影响。在电极优化的基础上,对单室MFC降解土霉素进行了初探。本论文的研究结果概括如下:(1)采用浸渍法制备了石墨烯/碳布电极(G/CC)、聚苯胺/碳布电极(PANI/CC)和聚苯胺-石墨烯/碳布电极(PANI-G/CC),并对其进行了线性扫描伏安法(LSV)和电化学阻抗谱(EIS)测试。测试结果表明,碳布电极经石墨烯-聚苯胺修饰后,氧气还原催化活性增大,活化内阻显著降低。将CC、G/CC、PANI-G/CC电极分别装配到自制的单室MFC阴极中运行,得到PANI-G/CC阴极MFC的最大功率密度8.48 mW/m2,分别是CC阴极MFC和G/CC阴极的3.2倍和1.7倍。说明石墨烯-聚苯胺修饰阴极可提高单室MFC的产电性能,且效果优于石墨烯单一修饰。(2)用磺化酞菁钴(CoPcSO4)催化剂修饰四种不同电极,研究其对单室MFC产电性能的影响。研究结果表明,相较于其他三种电极,Co-PANI-G/CC电极的氧气还原催化性能更好。Co-PANI-G/CC阴极MFC的最大功率密度32.2 mW/m2,分别是Co-G/CC阴极MFC和Co-PANI/CC阴极MFC的1.8倍和1.7倍,比Co-CC阴极MFC提高了6.1倍。说明磺化酞菁钴-聚苯胺-石墨烯复合修饰阴极可以显著提高单室MFC的产电性能,是一种简单有效的阴极修饰方法。(3)采用石墨烯和聚苯胺进一步修饰单室MFC阳极,得到PANI-G/CC阳极MFC的最大功率密度84.2mW/m2,分别是CC阳极MFC和G/CC阳极的2.5倍和1.7倍。PANI-G/CC阳极MFC的内阻为266Ω,分别比CC阳极MFC和G/CC阳极MFC减小了34%和21%。说明石墨烯-聚苯胺修饰阳极可减小MFC的内阻,从而进一步提高单室MFC的产电性能,且效果优于石墨烯单一修饰。(4)以不同浓度的土霉素(25mg/L,50 mg/L,100 mg/L,200 mg/L)和500mg/L的葡萄糖的混合物为燃料,构建单室MFC体系。研究了不同浓度的土霉素对单室MFC的产电性能及其对土霉素降解效果的影响。研究结果表明,随着土霉素浓度的增加,MFC的产电性能和降解性能逐渐下降。当土霉素浓度小于50mg/L时,运行时间为5天时,土霉素和COD的降解率均在90%以上。单室MFC对土霉素的降解过程符合一级反应动力学,拟合系数均大于0.95。利用单室MFC处理土霉素废水并产生电能的技术是可行的,这为土霉素废水的处理提供了新的思路。
[Abstract]:Microbial Fuel Cell. MFC) is a kind of device which can convert the chemical energy contained in organic matter into electric energy by the catalytic action of electrogen-producing microorganism. This technology can be used as a new type of wastewater treatment method. At present, the research on microbial fuel cell is not mature, and there are still many problems to be solved in the development of microbial fuel cell technology. The two major problems that hinder the commercialization of the technology and the expansion of practical application are poor power production and high cost. The electrode material is the key factor to determine the electrical performance and cost of MFC. It is particularly important to improve the overall electrical performance of MFC by modifying the anode and cathode materials. In this paper, the single chamber microbial fuel electricity is used to improve the overall electrical performance of MFC. Pool based. In this paper, graphene and Polyaniline were used as modifiers to optimize the cathode and cathode of MFC, and the effect of modification optimization on the electrical properties of MFC was discussed. The results of this paper are summarized as follows: (1) the graphene / carbon cloth electrode was prepared by impregnation method. Polyaniline / carbon cloth electrode and Polyaniline-graphene / carbon cloth electrode (PANI- / G- / CCS) and Polyaniline-graphene / carbon cloth electrode respectively. The results of linear scanning voltammetry (LSVV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) showed that the carbon cloth electrode modified by graphene Polyaniline increased the catalytic activity of oxygen reduction. The activated internal resistance was significantly reduced. The CCG / CCN PANI-G / CC electrode was assembled into a self-made single cell MFC cathode respectively. The maximum power density of PANI-G/CC cathode MFC is 8.48 mW/m2. The results show that graphene-Polyaniline modified cathode can improve the electrical properties of single-cell MFC by 3. 2 times and 1. 7 times of CC cathode MFC and G / CC cathode respectively. And the effect is better than that of graphene single modification. 2) modified with sulfonated cobalt phthalocyanine CoPcSO4) catalyst. The effect of the modified electrode on the electrical properties of single chamber MFC is studied. The results show that. Compared to the other three electrodes. The oxygen reduction catalytic performance of Co-PANI-G/CC electrode is better. The maximum power density of MFC is 32.2 mW/m2. Compared with Co-G/CC cathode MFC and Co-PANI/CC cathode MFC, it is 1.8 times and 1.7 times of Co-PANI/CC cathode MFC, respectively. Compared with Co-CC cathode MFC, it is 6.1 times higher than that of Co-CC cathode. It shows that sulfonated cobalt phthalocyanine, Polyaniline-graphene composite modified cathode can significantly improve the electrical properties of single-cell MFC. It is a simple and effective method for cathodic modification. 3) graphene and Polyaniline are used to further modify single-chamber MFC anode. The maximum power density of PANI-G/CC anode MFC is 84.2 MW / m2. Compared with CC anode MFC and G / CC anode, the internal resistance of PANI-G / CC anode MFC is 266惟. Compared with CC anode MFC and G / CC anode MFC, the results showed that the internal resistance of MFC was reduced by 34% and 21, respectively, which indicated that the graphene Polyaniline modified anode could reduce the internal resistance of MFC. Thus, the electrical properties of single-chamber MFC were further improved, and the effect was better than that of graphene single modification. 4) with different concentrations of oxytetracycline 25 mg / L ~ (50 mg / L ~ (-1)). A mixture of 200 mg / L and 500 mg / L of glucose is fuel. The effects of different concentrations of oxytetracycline on the electrical properties of MFC and the degradation of oxytetracycline were studied. The results showed that the concentration of oxytetracycline increased with the increase of the concentration of oxytetracycline. When the concentration of oxytetracycline was less than 50 mg / L, the operating time was 5 days. The degradation rates of oxytetracycline and COD were above 90%. The degradation of oxytetracycline by single compartment MFC was in accordance with the first-order reaction kinetics. The fitting coefficients are all greater than 0.95.The technology of using single-chamber MFC to treat oxytetracycline wastewater and generate electric energy is feasible, which provides a new idea for the treatment of oxytetracycline wastewater.


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