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发布时间:2018-01-12 20:02

  本文关键词:天然气冷热电联供系统方案评价分析 出处:《河北工程大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 天然气冷热电联供系统 能源利用效率 环保指标 经济性分析

【摘要】:近年来,,随着西气东输、陕甘宁天然气进京,我国东部大中城市能源结构正在发生调整,传统的以煤为主的一次能源正在被天然气所代替。而目前宝贵的天然气资源在城市中的利用更多地是直接被烧掉,如何才能更为合理地在城市中应用天然气?其中一个有效途径是利用天然气冷热电联供系统,即天然气首先驱动发电机组发电,其余热被回收用于供热或驱动吸收式制冷机制冷。这样实现了能源的梯级利用,从而为高效利用天然气创造了条件。同时,近两年由于全国各大城市均出现不同程度的供电紧张,尤其是东部各大城市,为了缓解“电荒”,国家也相应出台了一些鼓励政策,以支持天然气冷热电联供技术为主导的分布式能源系统的推广应用。 本文在阐述了天然气冷热电系统及其特点之后,简单分析了冷热电联供系统的工作原理,并从能源利用形式的角度,把冷热电联供系统分成发电系统与热力系统两大部分,并对这两部分分别进行介绍。 本文还提出了天然气冷热电联供技术的评价方法,即从能源利用效率、环保、经济性三个方面对系统方案进行综合评价。首先,能源利用效率介绍了比较基准的选取,提出设计工况下节能率的定义以及计算方法;其次,关于环境影响评价,介绍了污染物排放因子的确定依据和相对于燃气分产系统减排率的计算方法;最后,经济性评价介绍了增量评价法的概念,分析了各经济指标的计算过程并且提出评价冷热电联供系统经济性的增量评价法,可以避免诸如热价、冷价等人为因素的干扰,使对方案技术经济性的认识更加客观。同时,增量法将系统等效成为纯发电电厂,避免了热价和冷价等的干扰,使冷热电联供系统这种复杂经济性问题变得更加简单和清晰。 最后,在讨论天然气冷热电联供技术的评价方法时,结合北京市某大学能源系统的方案选取为例,从能效、环保、经济性三个方面对系统方案进行综合评价,最终提出能源系统的最优方案。
[Abstract]:In recent years , with the transmission of West - gas and natural gas from Shaanxi and Gansu , the energy structure of the large and middle - sized cities in the east of China is being adjusted , and the traditional coal - based primary energy is being replaced by natural gas . After the description of the system and its characteristics of the natural gas cooling and heating system , the working principle of the cold and hot electric power supply system is simply analyzed , and the cold and hot electricity supply system is divided into two parts of the power generation system and the thermal system from the angle of the energy utilization form , and the two parts are introduced separately . This paper also puts forward the evaluation method of the power supply technology of natural gas cold and heat , that is , from three aspects of energy utilization efficiency , environmental protection and economy . First , the selection of the comparative datum is introduced , the definition of energy saving rate in the design working condition is introduced , and the calculation method of emission reduction rate of the gas distribution system is presented . Finally , when discussing the evaluation method of the power supply technology of natural gas cooling and heating , combining with the scheme selection of the energy system of a university in Beijing , this paper comprehensively evaluates the system scheme from three aspects of energy efficiency , environmental protection and economy , and finally puts forward the optimal scheme of energy system .



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