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发布时间:2018-01-13 08:22

  本文关键词:变电设备状态检修策略研究 出处:《华北电力大学(北京)》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 变电设备 状态检修 评估系统

[Abstract]:The perfect substation equipment maintenance system plays an important role in detecting equipment defects in advance, reducing accident probability and ensuring the safe operation of power grid. The condition maintenance system of substation equipment has been widely carried out in our country. It not only reduces the maintenance cost of power supply enterprises, but also improves the maintenance rate and utilization ratio of substation equipment. At the same time, it also solves the problems of overrepair and underrepair of substation equipment existing in the past periodic preventive maintenance, but due to historical reasons. The maintenance thinking mode of the actual front-line maintenance personnel can not completely get rid of the analysis method of the equipment test data in the past periodic preventive maintenance stage, and often only pay attention to the part when drawing up the maintenance strategy. There are some blindness, lack of perfect means of substation equipment status evaluation and scientific maintenance strategy. In order to solve this problem, this paper makes a deep research on the status maintenance strategy of substation equipment. Based on the maintenance mode that Ningbo Electric Power Bureau is carrying out at present, this paper makes use of the data accumulated in the past periodic preventive tests and live test, and on-line monitoring technology. Comprehensive analysis of the amount of equipment status information we can obtain on site. A set of condition evaluation method and corresponding condition maintenance strategy are worked out. Meanwhile, in order to get rid of manual processing of a large number of equipment state information data. This paper presents a computer-aided manual evaluation of the status of substation equipment, and develops a corresponding system for evaluating the status of substation equipment and developing a decision system. The system is applied in Ningbo Electric Power Bureau. So that our maintenance personnel in real time grasp the basic operating health of the substation equipment in the jurisdiction, while assisting production technicians to make maintenance strategy for the poor state of the transformer equipment, so as to better for our bureau. More scientific development of substation equipment condition maintenance work to provide a good technical support.


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