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发布时间:2018-01-13 16:04

  本文关键词:超声电机驱动与控制系统研究 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 超声电机 驱动 模糊神经网络 聚类

【摘要】:作为一种新型的电机,超声电机与传统电磁电机在运行机理上有着很大的不同。由于超声电机有着很强的非线性特征,因此在控制时,要求该控制器能够控制非线性特征很强的对象,并且要求其具有很好的环境适应性。又因为超声电机的是容性负载,工作频率处于超声频段,并且驱动信号具有一定的相位差,这就要求其驱动电源能够输出多相具有一定相位差、同频率、等幅值,并且频率可达到20kHz以上的驱动信号。同时,要求其输出有效值在几十到一百多伏之间,输出功率在100W以上。 在本文中,通过建立弯振复合型超声电机的接触模型,得出了弯振复合型超声电机定转子之间接触的非线性的结论。接着,又建立了压电陶瓷材料在自由状态下的动力学模型,通过该模型分析了在不同材料参数条件下的压电陶瓷输出能力的非线性特征。之后,又分析了超声电机在运行过程中的损耗,以及温度对于压电陶瓷材料各项参数的影响。从建立的方程式中得出了超声电机运行过程中的温升也是造成其非线性特征的原因之一的结论。 之后,针对超声电机非线性强的特点,采用模糊神经网络控制方法对超声电机进行控制。由于导师学习对的数量过多且可能存在噪声点,因此通过聚类减少了需处理的对象数量,并且滤除了噪声点。该聚类算法能够使得聚类结果尽可能的少,并且簇中任意两个数据点的距离都小于某个设定的门槛值。完成聚类后,基于设定的模糊规则,构建了合适的神经网络结构,并且利用聚类结果和BP学习算法进行神经网络训练。针对BP算法学习收敛速度较慢的特点,,研究了不同的学习步长函数,并且找出了能够使得误差函数收敛速率相对最快的学习步长函数。 此外,本文还研制了超声电机的驱动电路。该驱动电路包含信号发生模块、前置放大和隔离模块、功率放大模块。对于信号发生模块,在本文中基于DDS信号发生技术,利用AD9852芯片发出了两相频率可调、初始相位可调的正弦信号。此外,利用运算放大器对信号进行了前置放大,并且利用HCNR200光电隔离芯片对驱动电源强电和弱电部分进行了隔离。最后,利用PA85芯片对信号进行了功率放大处理。在设计和仿真了各个模块之后,搭建了实物电路,并且进行了超声电机实际驱动实验。
[Abstract]:As a new type of motor , the ultrasonic motor and the traditional electromagnetic motor have different operating mechanism . As the ultrasonic motor has strong nonlinear characteristics , it is required that the controller can control the object with strong nonlinearity and has a good environmental adaptability because of the capacitive load , the operating frequency is in the ultrasonic frequency band , and the driving signal has a certain phase difference , and the driving power supply can output the driving signal with a certain phase difference , the same frequency and the like , and the frequency can reach more than 20kHz . In this paper , the nonlinear characteristics of the contact between the stator and rotor of the bending vibration composite ultrasonic motor are obtained by establishing the contact model of the bending vibration composite ultrasonic motor . Then , the nonlinear characteristics of the output power of the piezoelectric ceramic material under the condition of different material parameters are analyzed by this model . A fuzzy neural network control method is adopted to control the ultrasonic motor . As a result , the number of objects to be processed is reduced by the fuzzy neural network control method . As a result , the number of objects to be processed is reduced by clustering , and the noise point is filtered out . The clustering algorithm can make the clustering result be as few as possible , and the distance between any two data points in the cluster is less than a certain threshold value . After the clustering is completed , the learning step function of different learning steps is studied based on the set fuzzy rules . The driving circuit of ultrasonic motor is developed in this paper . The driving circuit includes signal generating module , preamplifier and isolation module and power amplification module . The signal generation module is based on DDS signal generation technology .



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