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发布时间:2018-01-14 00:07

  本文关键词:基于模糊层次分析法和灰色关联分析方法的变电站选址研究 出处:《郑州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 变电站选址 模糊层次分析法 灰色关联分析法 Kendall非参数检验

【摘要】:随着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,用电负荷对电网稳定性、电能质量的要求越来越高,用电量也越来越大。做好电网规划设计工作,不仅可以从根本上保证电网运行的安全稳定性和良好的电能质量,还可以节约大量能源,实现可持续发展。作为电网规划的一项必不可少的工作,变电站选址直接关系到整个电网的结构是否合理,也对电力部门的效益有着很大的影响。 本文对变电站选址方面的国内外研究现状进行了综述,认为以往的变电站选址研究主要集中在采用各种算法对站址进行优化,而对于基于评价指标体系对多个待选站址进行排序的研究却不多。由于各种优化算法都有自己的优点和不足,使得基于单一优化算法的站址选择结果很难令人满意。因此,开展变电站选址方法研究,综合采用多种方法选择合理的变电站站址是非常必要的。 作为变电站选址的基础,阐述了变电站的选址原则,并据其建立了包括目标层、准则层和指标层的变电站站址综合评价指标体系。该体系以最优变电站站址为总体目标,选取电网构架、投资分析、土地因素、环境情况4个指标构成准则层,指标层则包括体布局、线路走廊、与负荷中心距离、总投资、年运行费用、地形地质情况等13个具体指标。 本文综合采用模糊层次分析法和灰色关联分析方法进行变电站站址的选择。以这两种方法为基础得到一种对变电站进行选址的新方法。该方法利用模糊层次分析法的结论得出一个更加合理的分辨系数来替代传统取值(一般为0.5)用于灰色关联方法中,并在最终计算时将各指标的权重引入,使主观方法与客观方法相结合,以便得到一个具有更高可信度的结果。为了确定两种方法能否结合,运用了Kendall相关系数对两种方法的一致性进行检验。 本文采用所建立的站址选择评价指标体系,应用所提出的方法对4个变电站待选站址进行选址评价,得出最优站址,,证明了所提算法的可行性。
[Abstract]:With the development of social economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the demand of power load for power grid stability, power quality and power consumption is getting higher and higher. It can not only guarantee the safety, stability and good power quality of the power grid fundamentally, but also save a lot of energy and realize the sustainable development. Substation location is directly related to the structure of the whole power network, and also has a great impact on the efficiency of the power sector. In this paper, the status quo of substation location research at home and abroad is summarized, and it is considered that the previous research on substation location mainly focuses on the optimization of substation location using various algorithms. However, there are few researches on how to sort multiple sites based on the evaluation index system, because of the advantages and disadvantages of various optimization algorithms. The results of site selection based on single optimization algorithm are difficult to be satisfied. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out research on substation location method and adopt multiple methods to select reasonable substation address. As the basis of substation location, the principle of substation location is expounded, and the target layer is established according to the principle. The system takes the optimal substation site as the overall goal, selects the power grid structure, investment analysis, land factor and environment condition to constitute the criterion layer. The index layer includes 13 specific indexes, such as body layout, line corridor, distance from load center, total investment, annual operating cost, topographic and geological conditions, etc. In this paper, fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) and grey correlation analysis are used to select substation site. Based on these two methods, a new method for selecting substation location is obtained. The conclusion of the analytical method is that a more reasonable resolution coefficient can be obtained instead of the traditional value (. Generally 0.5) is used in grey correlation methods. In order to determine whether the two methods can be combined, the weight of each index is introduced in the final calculation to combine the subjective method with the objective method in order to obtain a more reliable result. Kendall correlation coefficient is used to test the consistency of the two methods. In this paper, the evaluation index system of site selection is established, and the proposed method is used to evaluate the location of 4 substations to be selected, and the optimal site is obtained, which proves the feasibility of the proposed algorithm.


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