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发布时间:2018-01-14 06:11

  本文关键词:太阳能烟囱热气流系统的数值模拟与分析 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 太阳能烟囱 食物风干 Boussinesq近似 真实边界方法 数值模拟

【摘要】:作为大规模利用和开发太阳能资源的一种新技术,太阳能烟囱发电技术已经成为很多新能源研究者的关注重点。对太阳能烟囱系统中空气的速度场和温度场的模拟精确度将直接影响到对整个系统的能量转换和输出功率的预测。如何找到并采用更合适的模型和计算方法对烟囱系统内空气的速度场和温度场进行模拟,一直以来都是国内外很多研究人员努力的方向。 大部分有关太阳能烟囱系统的数值模拟工作都是基于Boussinesq浮力近似方法,本文重点研究讨论了真实边界方法,用以太阳能烟囱系统数值模拟,并将模拟结果与基于Boussinesq浮力近似的模型相比较,发现该方法在模拟太阳能烟囱系统上的优势。然后基于该方法,本文进一步讨论了加入食物风干部分的太阳能烟囱系统内部空气相对湿度的变化规律,并分析了不同入口空气湿度、不同烟囱高度以及不同蒸发率等多方面因素对结果的影响,,并在理论上给予了说明。
[Abstract]:As a new technology for large-scale utilization and development of solar energy resources. Solar chimney power generation technology has become the focus of many new energy researchers. The simulation accuracy of air velocity field and temperature field in solar chimney system will directly affect the energy conversion and transmission of the whole system. How to find and use more suitable model and calculation method to simulate the velocity field and temperature field of the air in the chimney system. It has always been the direction of many researchers at home and abroad. Most of the numerical simulations of solar chimney systems are based on the Boussinesq buoyancy approximation. In this paper, the real boundary method is discussed. The simulation results are compared with the model based on Boussinesq buoyancy approximation. The advantage of this method in simulating solar chimney system is found. Based on this method, the variation of air relative humidity in solar chimney system with food air-dried part is further discussed in this paper. The effects of different inlet air humidity, different chimney height and different evaporation rate on the results are analyzed and explained theoretically.


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