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发布时间:2018-01-14 15:12

  本文关键词:忆阻器在自适应滤波电路与混沌电路中的应用研究 出处:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 忆阻器 自适应滤波 数字控制 混沌电路 状态转移

【摘要】:电子领域的电路元件除了电阻、电感、电容这三种基本元件之外,2008年又发现了第四种具有记忆功能的基本元件——忆阻器。忆阻器不同于传统电子器件,可能导致电子电路的结构体系、原理、设计理论的变革。本文从理论分析和数值仿真两方面透析忆阻器电学特性,对忆阻器在自适应滤波电路和混沌电路中的应用进行了相关研究,并在此基础上利用忆阻器特性设计了一种数字控制忆阻型自适应滤波电路和二次型忆阻器四阶混沌电路。主要研究工作如下: (1)对HP(Hewlett-Packard)实验室研制的铂-二氧化钛-铂(Pt-TiO2-Pt下文简称PTP)无源忆阻器进行了模型分析,数值仿真可知,相比于其它三种基本电路元件,忆阻器具有频率滞后性、阻值易控性等特点。忆阻器的伏安特性曲线为斜8字形滞回曲线,并且曲线形状跟随输入信号频率变化。频率不断增大时,滞回曲线开始逐渐收缩,若频率向无穷逼近时,滞回曲线将退化为一条过原点的直线,此时忆阻器近似于常规线性电阻R。此时,忆阻器转化为线性电阻的阻值(称为忆阻值M)即为其初始状态忆阻值M0。 (2)基于PTP型无源忆阻器与初始状态忆阻值M0相关的频率特性,设计了一类基于忆阻器的数字控制自适应滤波电路。利用电路改变忆阻器初始状态忆阻值M0,,进而改变滤波电路截止频率fc实现选频。以及利用忆阻器频率滞后性、阻值易控性等特点实现滤波电路的数字控制和自适应滤波效果。数值仿真验证了设计的有效性。 (3)忆阻器作为一种新发现的非线性器件,易于设计混沌电路,由PTP型无源忆阻器得到的荷控二次型忆阻器模型,更符合物理实际,利用此模型并基于蔡氏混沌电路演化而来的拓扑对偶结构,设计了一种新型忆阻器四阶混沌电路。理论分析、仿真及电路实现结果表明,该电路具有依赖于忆阻器初始状态和随时间以及系统参数变化的状态转移等复杂动力学行为。 开展的研究工作对忆阻器应用有一定参考价值。
[Abstract]:In addition to the field of electronic circuit element resistance, inductance, in addition to the three basic components of capacitance, was found in 2008, fourth basic elements with the function of memory -- the memristor. Memristor is different from the traditional electronic devices, may lead to structural system, electronic circuit design principle, the change of theory. This paper from two aspects of theory analysis and numerical simulation on memristor electrical characteristics, the application of memristor in adaptive filter circuit and chaotic circuit is researched, based on memristor characteristics to design a digital controlled memristor type adaptive filter circuit and the two type of memristor four order chaotic circuit. The research work is as follows:
(1) to HP (Hewlett-Packard) - Platinum laboratory developed TiO2 Pt (hereinafter referred to as Pt-TiO2-Pt PTP) passive memristor has analyzed, numerical simulation shows that, compared to the other three basic circuit elements, the memristor with frequency lag, resistance is controllable. The volt ampere characteristic curve of memristor the oblique figure 8 hysteretic curve, and the curve shape follow the input signal frequency changes. The frequency increases, the hysteretic curve began to shrink, if the frequency of infinite approximation, the hysteresis curve will be degenerated into a straight line through the origin, the memristor is similar to the conventional linear resistance R. at this moment. The memristor is transformed into linear resistance (called Yi resistance M) is the initial state of memory resistance M0.
(2) the frequency characteristic of PTP passive memristor and initial state memory resistance based on M0 correlation, design a kind of memristor based digital control circuit. By using the adaptive filter circuit changes the initial state memory resistor memory resistance M0 filter circuit, and then change the cut-off frequency of FC frequency. And the use of memristor frequency lag, resistance and easy to control etc. to realize digital control and adaptive filtering effect circuit. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the design.
(3) the memristor is a nonlinear device that is easy to design, chaotic circuit, by PTP passive memristor has two types of charge controlled memristor model, more in line with the actual physics, using this model and topological dual structure and evolution based on Chua's circuit, designed a the four order model of memristor chaotic circuit. Theoretical analysis, simulation and implementation results show that the circuit has a circuit, depending on the initial state of the memory resistor and the time variation of the system parameters and the state transfer complex dynamic behavior.
The research work has a certain reference value for the application of the memristor.



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