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发布时间:2018-01-15 05:13

  本文关键词:以设计为龙头的电力工程总承包风险研究 出处:《中南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 设计龙头 工程总承包 风险

[Abstract]:At present, as the mainstream contracting mode in the international construction market, the general contracting of engineering is also in China's electricity, chemical and other industries, especially in the railway, hydropower, wind, solar energy. Comprehensive energy storage and other large-scale projects have been widely used and put into practice. As a general contracting mode which basically covers the whole process of project implementation, the project construction management is extended to the full project cycle, and the technology is complex. Under the actual circumstances such as the increase of the radiation surface, the general contracting enterprises need to bear most of the risks of the project and take the design as the leader of the general contracting enterprises of electric power engineering. With its own development advantages in the construction of the profit potential and development space, but at the same time in the implementation of the project to bear more and greater risks. How to carry out scientific, reasonable project risk identification and analysis. It is particularly important to deal with such large and complex risks. This is also a problem that must be solved in the transformation project general contracting of electric power design enterprises. This paper combines the characteristics and advantages of general contracting based on electric power design institute. This paper identifies and analyzes the important risk indicators in different stages of the general contracting project, determines the risk evaluation index of the project, and applies the risk evaluation method. Combining objective factors of project decision and subjective factors of decision experts, an effective analysis framework and decision model are constructed. This paper evaluates the risk decision of the general contracting project of electric power engineering based on the design, and analyzes the example of the risk decision of the general contract project of a certain project. The effectiveness and practicability of the risk assessment method are confirmed, and the key control work is put forward to provide the basis for the risk decision and prevention of the general contracting enterprise based on the electric power design institute.


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