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发布时间:2018-01-15 07:37

  本文关键词:风洞模拟自然横风条件下绝缘子带电积污特性 出处:《高电压技术》2014年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 风洞 自然积污条件 绝缘子 灰密 直流电压 积污特性

[Abstract]:In order to study the fouling characteristics of insulators under natural conditions, the composite insulators and porcelain double parachute insulators were studied by using the wind tunnel laboratory to simulate the natural climatic conditions. The fouling characteristics of ceramic three-umbrella insulator and porcelain bell cover insulator under different voltage polarity and different voltage magnitude are compared and analyzed. The results show that under the condition of wind tunnel experiment. The composite insulator has a short saturation period. The average density of composite insulators is larger than that of porcelain insulators. The lower surface of the ceramic bell cover insulator is more gray than the upper surface, and the others are larger than the upper surface. The composite and porcelain insulators are slightly larger than the corresponding position of the upwind surface ash density; The effect of positive voltage on the density of the upper surface of insulator is obvious. The negative voltage has obvious effect on the increase of ash density on the bottom surface of insulator. There is not a strict linear relationship between the ash density and the charged size of insulators.
【作者单位】: 华北电力大学电力工程系;中国电力科学研究院;
【正文快照】: 0引言长久以来,污闪事故是造成电力系统故障、国民经济损失最严重的事故之一,其故障次数仅次于发生最多的雷击故障,但造成的危害却远胜于雷击故障[1]。了解绝缘子表面积污特性是研究其污闪特性的前提,因此进行绝缘子的积污特性研究是外绝缘设计基础和必需的工作[2-4]。目前,国


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