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发布时间:2018-01-15 12:29

  本文关键词:基于动态安全域的电力系统重合闸及紧急控制综合优化控制系统 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 动态安全域 重合闸 紧急控制 时间域 综合优化 角度均匀旋转法

【摘要】:我国电力系统发展存在地区间联系单薄、地区内联系复杂、承载功率季节性变化大、重载时传输功率接近传输上线等特点。以上特点的矛盾性使得在进行电网暂态安全相关计算时,只有综合考虑轻重负荷、疏密连接才能更好的对控制手段进行优化。目前,维护电力系统暂态稳定主要手段为紧急控制及重合闸,其动作主要牵涉到以下变量:1)切机切负荷量及故障类型(?);2)紧急控制时间(?);3)重合闸时间(?);4)故障出现的不同位置集合E_R。对输电线路系统的动态安全域研究已有如下经验规律:1.线路故障点变化时其对应动态安全域超平面具有近似平行性,且有很小的空间夹角θ;2.故障点延线路单向变化时,超平面变化趋势相同;3.最优重合闸时间是存在的并且能使得系统的暂态稳定性最好;4.在最优时间重合闸的情况下,有助于系统恢复功角稳定。结合动态安全域的基本理论及以上已有结论,本文通过仿真实验进一步探究深化出如下结论:1.在多摆失稳故障中,紧急控制存在最优控制时间,在该时间点对系统进行切机切负荷效果优于最快速紧急控制;2.重合闸时间存在多段优化极值区间,每段极值区间的底部是平缓的,且全时间域内,系统稳定性变化基本没有突变。本文重新提炼系统稳定性评价标准,在基于动态安全域的最优紧急控制模型基础上提出了在多摆失稳情况下的考虑控制时间的改进紧急控制模型;提出基于动态安全域的最优时间重合闸计算方法;同时探索在实际应用过程中两者的结合,形成基于动态安全域的重合闸及紧急控制综合优化方法。该方法在结合两大主要控制手段的同时在时间域维度上进行了较为深入彻底的优化,同时依据已有的角度均匀旋转法实现对不同故障位置的快速推算。本文采用IEEE 4机11节点系统及IEEE 10机39节点系统算例进行说明及验证,结果表明本文结论的正确性及综合优化算法的可行性和实用性。
[Abstract]:In the development of power system in China, there are thin regional connections, complex intraregional connections, and large seasonal variations of the bearing power. The transmission power is close to the transmission line under heavy load. The contradiction of the above features makes it necessary to consider the light and heavy loads when calculating the transient security of the power network. At present, the main means of maintaining power system transient stability are emergency control and reclosing. Its action mainly involves the following variable: 1) the amount of cutting load and the type of fault. Emergency control time? Reclosing time? ; 4) different location sets of faults ESP. The dynamic security domain of transmission line system has been studied as follows: 1.When the fault point of transmission line changes, its corresponding hyperplane in dynamic security domain has approximate parallelism. And there is a very small space angle 胃; 2.When the fault point extension line changes in one direction, the trend of hyperplane variation is the same; 3. The optimal reclosing time exists and makes the transient stability of the system best. 4. In the case of optimal time reclosing, it is helpful to restore the power angle stability of the system. In this paper, through the simulation experiments, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. In the multi-pendulum instability fault, there is an optimal control time in emergency control. At this time point, the load cutting effect of the system is better than that of the most rapid emergency control. 2. There is a multistage optimal extremum interval in reclosing time, and the bottom of each interval is smooth, and in the whole time domain, there is no abrupt change in the stability of the system. In this paper, the evaluation criteria of system stability are rerefined. Based on the optimal emergency control model in dynamic security domain, an improved emergency control model considering control time is proposed in the case of multiple pendulum instability. An optimal time reclosing method based on dynamic security domain is proposed. At the same time, it explores the combination of the two in the process of practical application. A comprehensive optimization method of reclosing and emergency control based on dynamic security domain is formed, which combines the two main control methods and optimizes thoroughly in the dimension of time domain at the same time. At the same time, according to the existing angular uniform rotation method to realize the rapid calculation of different fault locations. This paper uses IEEE 4 machine 11-bus system and IEEE. 10 machine 39 bus system example to explain and verify. The results show the correctness of the conclusion and the feasibility and practicability of the synthetic optimization algorithm.


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