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发布时间:2018-01-15 15:00

  本文关键词:基于以太网和多线程架构的电池化成系统软件研发 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 电池化成 监控系统 UDP通信 多线程 软件架构

【摘要】:电池化成工艺是生产铅酸蓄电池的重要环节,良好的化成工艺可以保证电池的使用寿命和电池容量。电池化成控制系统的性能直接影响到电池化成的品质以及工厂的生产效率。常见电池化成系统存在控制速度慢、控制设备数量较少等缺点,本文设计了一个基于以太网和多线程架构的化成监控软件,配合电池化成柜一起使用,使得电池化成工艺效率提高,化成操作更加方便。 使用以太网连接,使得一台计算机能够与多个化成控制柜连接,连接数量只受到IP地址的限制而与网络结构无关,而且传输距离不受限制。在以太网通信中使用的是UDP协议,它编程简单、传输速度快、使用灵活,但是UDP协议是非连接型协议,为了保证数据传输的可靠性,本文设计了一种“确认/重发”机制用于UDP通信,使之具有确保数据到达目标的功能。 多线程技术使得监控效率得到很大提高,每个化成控制柜对应于上位机软件的一个线程,每个线程独立完成轮询工作,只要计算机性能足够好,增加化成控制柜数量并不会影响监控性能。 程序中的以太网通信模块和多线程架构具有很高的独立性,其他模块,如XML文件读写、基于反射技术的数据转换等,也是独立的功能模块,这些模块和架构可以复用到其他的系统中去,,简化了系统开发,降低了开发错误率和开发成本。 目前,该化成系统已经投入生产使用,实践效果良好;由化成软件架构扩展而出的电能质量检测系统软件也已经投入实际应用中。
[Abstract]:Battery forming process is an important part of lead-acid battery production. The performance of the battery forming control system has a direct impact on the quality of the battery formation and the production efficiency of the factory. The common battery forming system has control speed. Slow. This paper designs a monitoring software based on Ethernet and multi-thread architecture, which can be used together with battery forming cabinet to improve the efficiency of battery formation process. Formation operation is more convenient. With Ethernet connection, a computer can be connected to a plurality of control cabinets. The number of connections is limited by IP address and independent of network structure. In Ethernet communication, the UDP protocol is used, which is simple, fast and flexible, but the UDP protocol is disconnected. In order to ensure the reliability of data transmission, this paper designs a "confirmation / retransmission" mechanism for UDP communication, which can ensure the data to reach the target. Multi-thread technology greatly improves the efficiency of monitoring. Each control cabinet corresponds to a thread of the host computer software, and each thread completes the polling independently, provided that the computer performance is good enough. Increasing the number of formed control cabinets will not affect the monitoring performance. The Ethernet communication module and multi-thread architecture in the program have high independence, other modules, such as XML file reading and writing, data conversion based on reflection technology, are also independent functional modules. These modules and architectures can be reused to other systems to simplify system development and reduce development error rate and development cost. At present, the system has been put into production, the practical effect is good, and the power quality detection system software expanded by the software architecture has been put into practical application.


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