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发布时间:2018-01-15 18:06

  本文关键词:基于3组力传感器和倾角传感器的输电线路导线覆冰在线监测技术 出处:《高电压技术》2014年02期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 导线覆冰 监测主分机 监测副分机 导线温度 等值覆冰厚度 覆冰密度

【摘要】:为减小由于传感器数量不足导致的输电线路等值覆冰厚度计算误差,设计了基于3组力传感器和倾角传感器的新型导线覆冰在线监测装置。该装置集成了微气象、导线温度、分布式多杆塔拉力、图像等多项监测功能。建立了相应的等值覆冰厚度力学计算模型,并将该模型与覆冰图像处理技术相结合,给出了一种导线覆冰密度计算方法。新型输电线路覆冰在线监测装置于2013-03在贵州电网220 kV线路洒红Ⅰ回安装运行,2013-03-15—2013-03-18期间,该线路发生轻微覆冰,利用该技术得到等值线路覆冰平均厚度2 mm,而忽略大、小号侧杆塔绝缘子串倾角和导线温度的前期覆冰厚度计算模型得到的覆冰厚度均为0。结果表明该新型输电线路导线覆冰在线监测技术能够全面、准确和灵敏地监测线路的覆冰状况。
[Abstract]:In order to reduce the calculation error of equivalent icing thickness of transmission line caused by the shortage of sensors. Based on three groups of force sensors and inclination sensors, a new on-line monitoring device for conductor icing is designed, which integrates micrometeorology, wire temperature and distributed multi-pole tension. The corresponding mechanical calculation model of icing thickness is established, and the model is combined with the ice-coated image processing technology. In this paper, a method for calculating the ice density of conductor is presented. A new on-line monitoring device for transmission line icing is installed in Guizhou Power Grid 220 kV line sprinkling red I circuit in 2013-03. In the period of 2013-03-15-2013-03-18, the line was slightly covered with ice, and the average ice thickness of the equivalent line was obtained by using this technique, but the thickness was large. The ice thickness of insulator string inclination angle and wire temperature calculated by the model is 0. The results show that the new on-line monitoring technology for transmission line conductor icing can be comprehensive. Accurately and sensitively monitor the icing condition of the line.
【作者单位】: 西安工程大学电子信息学院;西安工程大学机电工程学院;南方电网科学研究院有限责任公司;
【基金】:国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2009CB724507-3) 国家自然科学基金(51177115) 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(2013JC13) 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(NCET-11-1043)~~
【正文快照】: 0引言覆冰是一种能对输电线路造成巨大危害的特 殊气象灾害,已经在世界各地如俄罗斯、加拿大、美国、日本等国家和我国引发多起线路跳闸、导线舞动、断线、绝缘子闪络和杆塔倒塌等电力事故,严重威胁电网的安全运行,带来了巨大的经济损失[1-3]。近几年,受全球气候变暖等影响,


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1 黄新波;孙钦东;程荣贵;张冠军;刘家兵;;导线覆冰的力学分析与覆冰在线监测系统[J];电力系统自动化;2007年14期

2 邢毅;曾奕;盛戈v,




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