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发布时间:2018-01-16 02:23

  本文关键词:三相异步电动机无速度传感器矢量控制系统的研究 出处:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 异步电动机 矢量控制 磁链辨识 转速辨识 参数辨识

【摘要】:随着交流电机变频调速技术的不断发展与完善,交流传动已广泛应用于工业控制中,而矢量控制技术在交流调速中发挥着重大的作用。因此,研制出一款高性能的无速度传感器矢量控制系统具有重要的现实意义与广泛的市场需求。 首先,,本文在感应电机矢量控制理论的基础上分析了磁链观测模型中电压模型的优缺点。为了克服电压模型的缺点,本文提出了正交反馈补偿磁链观测模型与电压电流混合磁链观测模型。正交反馈补偿磁链观测模型用低通滤波器代替电压模型中的纯积分环节,并对低通滤波器引起的幅值和相位误差进行补偿。电压电流混合磁链观测模型通过设置合适PI参数使得电压模型与电流模型分别在高速和低速时起主导作用,充分发挥两者的优点。其次,本文分析了直接计算法估算转子转速的基本原理,该方法简单但严重依赖于电机参数。本文又分析了基于转子磁链、反电动势和无功功率的MRAS模型,其中基于反电动势的MRAS模型对参数的变化具有较强的鲁棒性并且稳定性好。本文利用小信号模型对基于反电动势的MRAS模型的PI调节器参数进行了最优化设计。再次,本文提出了一种全自动化离线辨识电机参数的方法,该方法无须功率表和变压器等工具,操作简便,辨识精度较高。最后,在Matlab/Simulink上对本文提到的各种辨识模型进行了仿真分析。并基于TMS320F28335DSP芯片设计了矢量控制系统的软硬件,在一台15kW鼠笼式三相异步电机上进行了实验,验证了矢量控制系统的各项性能。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development and improvement of AC motor variable frequency speed regulation technology, AC drive has been widely used in industrial control, and vector control technology plays a significant role in AC speed regulation. The development of a high performance speed sensorless vector control system has important practical significance and extensive market demand. Firstly, based on the vector control theory of induction motor, the advantages and disadvantages of voltage model in flux flux observation model are analyzed in order to overcome the shortcomings of voltage model. In this paper, the orthogonal feedback compensation flux observation model and the voltage and current mixed flux observation model are proposed. The low pass filter is used in the orthogonal feedback compensation flux observation model instead of the pure integral link in the voltage model. And the amplitude and phase error caused by the low-pass filter is compensated. By setting appropriate Pi parameters, the voltage model and the current model play the leading role at high speed and low speed respectively. Secondly, this paper analyzes the basic principle of estimating rotor speed by direct calculation method, which is simple but heavily dependent on motor parameters. This paper also analyzes the rotor flux based on the rotor flux. MRAS model of backEMF and reactive power. The MRAS model based on backEMF is robust and stable to the change of parameters. In this paper, the Pi regulator parameters of MRAS model based on backEMF are studied by using small signal model. Optimal design. Again. In this paper, a fully automatic off-line identification method for motor parameters is proposed. The method does not require power meter and transformer, and is easy to operate and has high identification accuracy. The identification models mentioned in this paper are simulated and analyzed on Matlab/Simulink, and the software and hardware of vector control system are designed based on TMS320F28335DSP chip. . Experiments were carried out on a 15kW squirrel-cage three-phase asynchronous motor, and the performance of the vector control system was verified.


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