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发布时间:2018-01-16 17:12

  本文关键词:基于傅立叶变换和小波变换的电力谐波分析 出处:《西华大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 傅立叶变换 小波变换 谐波分析 MATLAB DSP

【摘要】:电网谐波成份总畸变率是电能质量的重要指标,谐波影响用电设备的正常运行,研究谐波治理的方法具有工程意义。然而,检测谐波是治理谐波的前提工作,在教育部项目“强时阵性电力的高效传送研究”(Z2012015)、四川省教育厅项目“随机时发性电力的高效率传送研究”(13ZA0025)以及四川省人力资源和社会保障厅项目“强阵发性电能传送方法的研究”(川财教[2013]203号)的资助下,本文着重研究谐波检测方法。 本文首先介绍了谐波分析的发展状况,描述了几种主要谐波分析方法。傅立叶变换和小波变换是近几年的研究热点,本文深入讨论了这两种方法的优缺点。非同步采样时,傅立叶变换存在频谱泄漏和栏栅效应,采用加窗傅立叶变换可以提高精度,但是计算量大,并且存在局限性;小波变换方法解决了傅立叶变换无法实现时频分析的问题。 针对电力系统谐波检测,本文设计了基于DSP的硬件系统,主要完成被测信号的调理和相关算法实现,包括基-2、基-4和分裂基快速傅立叶变换,实现Mallat快速算法,实现小波分解和小波重构。 最后,通过LMS方法得到信号调理电路的信号恢复参数。由于电力系统谐波测量环境复杂,干扰信号多样化,本文针对平稳信号和非平稳信号,分别利用傅立叶和小波变换方法分析其检测性能。
[Abstract]:The total distortion rate of harmonic components is an important indicator of power quality. Harmonics affect the normal operation of power equipment. It is of engineering significance to study the method of harmonic control. However, harmonic detection is the premise of harmonic control. In the Ministry of Education project "Research on the efficient Transmission of strong Time-Array Power" (Z2012015). Sichuan Education Department Project "Research on High efficiency Transmission of Random time generated Electric Power" and Project of Sichuan Human Resources and Social Security Department "Research on the method of strong paroxysmal Electric Power Transmission" (. Sichuan financial education. [This paper focuses on harmonic detection methods. This paper first introduces the development of harmonic analysis and describes several main methods of harmonic analysis. Fourier transform and wavelet transform are the focus of research in recent years. In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of these two methods are discussed in depth. In asynchronous sampling, Fourier transform has spectrum leakage and fence effect. Using windowed Fourier transform can improve the accuracy, but the calculation is heavy. And there are limitations; Wavelet transform method solves the problem that Fourier transform can not realize time-frequency analysis. For harmonic detection of power system, this paper designs a hardware system based on DSP, mainly accomplishes the signal conditioning and related algorithms, including base-2, base-4 and split basis fast Fourier transform. Mallat fast algorithm, wavelet decomposition and wavelet reconstruction. Finally, the signal recovery parameters of the signal conditioning circuit are obtained by LMS method. Because of the complexity of harmonic measurement environment and the diversity of interference signals, this paper aims at stationary signals and non-stationary signals. The detection performance is analyzed by Fourier transform and wavelet transform respectively.


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