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发布时间:2018-01-17 02:24

  本文关键词:基于极化谱解谱法的变压器油纸绝缘等效电路建模及老化诊断 出处:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 介质响应法 回复电压 油纸绝缘 等效电路 数学解析 老化诊断 去极化电流

[Abstract]:This subject is based on the project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China < diagnosis method of Oil-Paper Insulation Aging based on Circuit Analysis and recovery Voltage response "(No.: 61174117). Oil-paper insulated transformer is a pivotal equipment in power system. The reliability of its operation affects the safety of the whole power system. The reverse-voltage method is a non-destructive electrical diagnosis method. It can provide a large amount of insulation aging information. In the application of the method of voltage recovery diagnosis of transformer insulation, transformer insulation structure, humidity. In order to study the relationship between polarization spectrum and characteristic parameters of recovery voltage and insulation state of transformer. The simulation experiment platform is established in the laboratory and the equivalent circuit of the extended Debye model is designed. The aging state of oil-paper insulation of transformer is diagnosed by experimental simulation. The main work of this paper is: 1. Based on Debye medium response model. A mathematical analytical method for identifying the equivalent circuit parameters of a single polarization branch and two polarization branches is proposed, and the correctness of the method is verified. This paper provides a new method for parameter identification of transformer oil-paper insulation equivalent circuit. The feasibility of using polarization spectrum to judge the ageing characteristics of oil-paper insulation is verified. The simulation results show that the study of polarization spectrum can well analyze the relaxation process of oil-paper insulation. This paper provides a new way of thinking for analyzing the factors affecting the insulation aging of transformers. 2. By changing the equivalent circuit parameters to simulate the change of the insulation state of the transformer, the equivalent circuit is analyzed under the condition of the change of the time constant of the polarization branch circuit. The influence of parameter change on the aging state of transformer insulation system. The change of large time constant mainly reflects the aging state of solid insulation, and the small time constant branch reflects the aging state of transformer insulation oil. For the same transformer, when the main time constant is the same, the smaller the peak value of the recovery voltage, the smaller the initial slope. The better the insulation performance of transformer is, the study is carried out by introducing two pre-test electrical insulation parameters, absorption ratio and polarization index. Another method to judge the insulation condition of transformer is obtained. 3. The simulation experiment platform of the reverse-voltage is established in the laboratory, and the polarization / depolarization current curve is analyzed. A method to identify the equivalent parameters by fitting the depolarization current curve and an expression to fit the depolarization current curve are presented. Through the calculation of the parameters and the simulation analysis of Matlab/simulink. The validity of the equivalent model parameters is verified by fitting the depolarization current curve, and the relationship between the equivalent circuit parameters and the polarization / depolarization current is studied by changing the equivalent circuit parameters of the extended Debye model. The feasibility of diagnosing transformer insulation aging by polarization / depolarization current curve is verified. It also provides a new method for studying transformer oil paper insulation aging through polarization / depolarization current curve.


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