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发布时间:2018-01-17 03:30

  本文关键词:太阳能与燃煤机组互补电站热力特性与集成机理研究 出处:《华北电力大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 太阳能 光煤互补 燃煤电站 热力特性 示范电站

【摘要】:太阳能作为一种可以规模化利用的新能源类型已经得到了广泛应用,太阳能热发电作为太阳能典型热利用方式,为了避免太阳辐射波动性带来的投资增加等一定程度制约了太阳能热发电的规模化发展。槽式太阳能集热技术是一种在国外有数十年运行业绩的技术成熟的热发电类型。燃煤电站温度范围广、负荷稳定可控,其不同温度热需求与槽式太阳能集热系统温度等级相匹配。因此,通过将槽式太阳能集热系统输出热量与燃煤机组热力系统互补集成,以油水换热器为热交换枢纽将太阳能热量输入燃煤机组热力系统取代部分燃煤热量,集成为太阳能光煤互补电站,实现了利用太阳能能源的同时降低部分燃煤消耗。光煤互补电站是集成太阳能集热系统和燃煤电站的复合能量系统,对互补发电系统的研究须着眼于太阳能集热系统与燃煤电站热力系统以及两系统间的耦合关系与对应的特性状况。 本课题以研究太阳能光煤互补电站系统特力特性为目的,探索光煤互补电站中槽式太阳能集热系统运行特性与光煤互补电站热力特性与运行模式,并将研究结论应用于工程实践,建成我国首个商业化光煤互补示范电站。主要研究内容和结论包括: 首先,以太阳能与燃煤电站热力系统不同能量需求特性为基础,探索槽式太阳能集热系统与燃煤电站热力系统的互补机理,研究太阳能和燃煤电站热力系统的互补集成原则。建立互补发电系统热力模型并进行基本的热力系统分析,结果表明太阳能可以与燃煤电站实现较好的热匹配,当太阳能集热场可以提供足够热量时,取代高加抽汽可以直接提升系统经济性,但同时也要求太阳能集热系统有较高的集热温度。 其次,在分析示范电站站址太阳能资源特性的基础上,理论分析示范电站中槽式集热系统在基准工况、阵列间距变化、轴向安装角度变化、集热管失去真空等条件下的系统集热特性。以及集热系统随环境条件变化的影响机理及特性,得到示范系统随环境风速、环境温度变化导致的集热效率变化的定量影响程度。然后,通过分析示范电站资源辐射条件下,三种典型的太阳能发电系统的发电特性,研究太阳能发电不同技术路线的发电能力与系统集热特性等环境适应性。研究结论将应用于示范电站中槽式太阳能系统设计、集成等环节。 再次,介绍了我国首个严格按照国际现有槽式太阳能光热电站行业标准与体系建设的光煤互补示范电站,并将研究成果应用于示范电站设计等环节。主要包含项目站址、布局规划、装机方案、关键设备参数指标等项目基本情况。最后,基于已经建成的光煤互补示范电站,通过实际测试数据分析系统能量损失分布以及参数对运行稳定性的影响机理,分析并验证槽式集热系统及示范电站热力性能。 然后,基于热经济学基本原理,充分考虑互补电站中各股能量流的经济成本以及各子系统的非能量费用,建立了光煤互补示范电站中太阳能所占份额和各股焓流能量费用分析模型,研究示范电站的太阳能份额比例特性。同时,以假设配建储热系统的光煤互补示范电站为研究对象,研究配建储能系统的示范电站在站址地典型气象条件与负荷工况下,集热场与储能部分的运行模式,并定量分析系统流量调节系统的流量分配特性。 最后,研究三种典型太阳能热发电系统在在示范电站站址条件下,相同装机容量、集热面积时的发电量与供电量特性。考虑总投资、运维管理费用、燃料费用、贷款利率等条件,应用经济性评价方法分析对应技术路线的经济特性。从系统投资角度,通过详细产业调研,分析我国目前光煤互补电站相关产业配套来源,与对应的投资成本分布。并对光热产业开展风险研究,主要包括:材料、燃料价格变化风险、市场变化风险、技术风险以及风险评估及防范措施等进行了评估,提出了光热发电产业及光煤互补电站产业发展政策建议。 本文创新点在于通过研究太阳能光煤互补电站集成机理与热力特性,以及特定气象条件下互补电站中槽式太阳能集热系统在基准工况、阵列间距、安装角度等环境参数变化条件下的对系统特力特性的影响机理与定量研究。解决了槽式太阳能集热系统设计优化问题,并将研究成果应用于我国首个光煤互补示范电站,实现了集热系统稳定运行,也是我国首个实现集热场出口温度稳定并达到393℃连续运行的槽式太阳能集热系统。由于在理论研究与示范项目的突出进展,正作为主编单位主编我国槽式太阳能领域首个国家级设计标准《槽式太阳能光热发电站设计规范》。
[Abstract]:Solar energy heat collection technology is a kind of technology mature thermal power generation type which can be used for large - scale utilization , and solar thermal power generation is used as a typical heat utilization mode of solar energy . The purpose of this research is to study the operation characteristics of trough solar heat collection system and the thermodynamic characteristics and operating modes of the complementary power station in the light coal complementary power station . The research conclusion is applied to engineering practice . The main research contents and conclusions are as follows : First , based on the different energy demand characteristics of solar energy and coal - fired power station , the complementary integration principle of trough solar heat collection system and thermal system of coal - fired power station is explored . The thermodynamic model of solar energy and coal - fired power station is studied , and the basic thermodynamic system analysis is carried out . The results show that the solar energy can achieve better heat matching with coal - fired power station . Secondly , on the basis of analyzing the characteristics of solar resources at the site of demonstration power station , the system heat collection characteristics under the conditions of reference working condition , array spacing change , axial mounting angle change and heat collecting pipe lose vacuum are analyzed . Thirdly , the paper introduces the first demonstration power station of light coal in China ' s first strict accordance with the industry standard and system of the international existing trough solar thermal power station , and applies the research results to the design of demonstration power station . Finally , based on the completed light coal complementary demonstration power station , the energy loss distribution and the influence mechanism of the parameters on the operation stability are analyzed and verified through the actual test data analysis system , and the thermal performance of the trough - type heat - collecting system and the demonstration power station is verified . Then , based on the basic principle of thermal economics , fully consider the economic cost of the energy flow in the complementary power station and the non - energy cost of each sub - system , establish the solar energy share and the energy cost analysis model of each unit in the light coal complementary demonstration power station , and study the solar share proportion characteristic of the demonstration power station . At last , the author studies the economic characteristics of three typical solar thermal power generation systems with the same installed capacity and heat collecting area under the condition of demonstration power station , considering the conditions of total investment , operation and maintenance management cost , fuel cost , loan interest rate and so on . The innovation point is to study the mechanism and quantitative research of the system characteristic under the conditions of reference working condition , array spacing , installation angle and so on by studying the integration mechanism and thermodynamic characteristics of solar light coal complementary power station , and the research results are applied to the first light coal complementary demonstration power station in China .



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