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发布时间:2018-01-17 14:21

  本文关键词:无间歇计数器的设计与实现 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 无间歇测量 ZDT计数器 测频

[Abstract]:At present, because of the high accuracy of time and frequency, high speed of measurement and high automation and so on. The measurement of time and frequency plays a very important role in the field of modern testing. In precision measurement systems such as automatic detection technology, some signal parameters are usually converted into frequency measurement. [1. Among the instruments such as modulation domain analyzer and high-precision time-interval analyzer, the ZDT-based measurement technology is one of the core technologies, and the frequency measurement without intermittent measurement is deeply studied in terms of time, frequency and phase. In order to adapt to the rapid development of high precision measurement, it is very important to apply the dynamic time characteristic of period and other parameters. The ZDT counter studied in this paper plays a very important role in the field of testing. In this paper, the design and implementation of the non-batch counter is the research topic, around FPGA as the core. Focus on the frequency measurement method and error analysis, phase coincidence detection technology, no intermittent measurement technology and so on. The system uses the input channel FPGA bus transmission architecture. The main work of this paper is as follows. Based on the research of domestic and foreign technical literature, this paper analyzes the significance and development of the research, and puts forward the purpose and content of the research. Then, the frequency measurement method and its error are analyzed carefully. After analyzing the error, the design and implementation of the non-batch counter is proposed based on the requirements of the subject index. After analyzing the design of ZDT scheme, the hardware circuit of the input channel and the system measurement logic are designed according to the design scheme. PCI bus is used in the system. Electronic switches and digital-to-analog converters can control input channel signals such as channel switching, gate time selection, internal and external trigger selection, amplitude amplification, trigger level adjustment and so on. The phase coincidence detection technology is used to realize signal synchronization, and the ZDT measurement module is used as the core to realize the functions of cumulative counting, frequency measurement and time interval measurement. Finally, the debugging method and steps are introduced. The problems encountered in the debugging process and their solutions are summarized and the test results are analyzed. The test results show that the non-batch counter module based on FPGA can realize frequency and cycle. Measurement of time interval. The signal measurement results of the system meet the requirements proposed by the project and reach the desired design goal.


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