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发布时间:2018-01-18 02:29

  本文关键词:基于流固耦合的水轮机转轮应力数值模拟 出处:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 水轮机 叶片 流固耦合 数值模拟

[Abstract]:Runner is the core component of hydraulic turbine unit, the safety of runner is directly related to the long-term stable operation of hydropower unit. Although the traditional experimental measurement method has high accuracy and practicability, but the cost is very high. It is necessary to consume a lot of manpower and material resources and time. By using fluid-solid coupling stress simulation technology, the approximate distribution of stress can be obtained to a certain extent at low cost. Based on the starccm finite element analysis software, the computational fluid dynamics simulation analysis of No. 6 unit in the left bank power plant of the three Gorges Project is carried out. The internal and external characteristic parameters of the hydraulic model are obtained and compared with the corresponding experimental data to verify the reliability of the flow field simulation. The fluid-solid coupling numerical simulation technique is used. The stress distribution and strain distribution on the blade surface are obtained by structural simulation analysis of one blade in the impeller, and some nodes on the blade surface are taken to compare with the corresponding experimental data. The reliability of the numerical simulation results is verified, and the shortcomings of the numerical simulation are also properly analyzed. Further, the dynamic characteristics of the blade surface stress and the strain are obtained by the fluid-solid coupling dynamic calculation of the model. The fast Fourier transform (FFT) is used to analyze its frequency domain characteristics. The results show that there is a large amplitude fluctuation at the frequency conversion and 24 times frequency. It is proved that the number of blades has a great influence on the dynamic stress, and compared with the experimental data. The reliability of the calculation results is verified, the mechanism of dynamic stress characteristics is analyzed, and the practical significance of the dynamic fluid-solid coupling simulation calculation combined with the engineering practice is discussed.


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