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发布时间:2018-01-23 08:33

  本文关键词: 励磁系统模型 低励限制控制器 励磁系统开环增益 励磁绕组电阻基准值 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在电网仿真计算中,励磁系统数学模型的精确性与参数的准确性对系统的动态稳定性有着巨大的影响。随着国内大电网的互联,低频振荡问题的凸显,励磁系统数学模型的精确性与参数的准确性变得越来越重要。详细的研究电网仿真计算所使用的励磁系统精确模型尤为必要。本文针对IEEE标准励磁系统数学模型及PSD-BPA中包含的励磁系统数学模型进行了深入的研究,明晰了他们的物理意义及各数学模型的适用范围,并仿真分析了各参数对系统稳定性的影响。 低励限制控制器作为励磁控制系统重要的辅助控制系统,其模型的精确性与参数的准确性对中长期电网仿真计算具有重要的实际意义。本文总结归纳了IEEE标准低励限制控制器详细模型,,明晰了各参数的物理意义,并提出了一种低励限制控制器参数辨识方案,并应用于工程实际。 深入讨论了励磁系统开环增益参数的物理含义及其实测确定方法,调研了工程上励磁控制器增益整定方式以及整流器移相触发方式,分析了实际励磁系统中与开环综合增益相关的物理环节及环节增益参数,讨论了励磁模型中励磁绕组电阻基准值的选取对增益计算结果的影响及修正方法,分析了整流器换相压降对励磁系统开环综合增益计算的影响,并提出基于标幺化励磁绕组电流计算开环综合增益的方法。
[Abstract]:In the simulation of power system, the accuracy of mathematical model and the accuracy of parameters of excitation system have a great impact on the dynamic stability of the system. With the interconnection of large power grids in China, the problem of low-frequency oscillation is highlighted. The accuracy of mathematical model and the accuracy of parameters of excitation system become more and more important. It is necessary to study the precise model of excitation system in detail. This paper aims at the number of IEEE standard excitation system. The mathematical model of excitation system and the mathematical model of excitation system included in PSD-BPA are studied deeply. Their physical meaning and the applicable range of each mathematical model are clarified, and the influence of each parameter on the stability of the system is simulated and analyzed. Low excitation limiting controller is an important auxiliary control system of excitation control system. The accuracy of the model and the accuracy of the parameters have important practical significance for the medium and long term power network simulation. In this paper, the detailed model of IEEE standard low excitation limited controller is summarized. The physical meaning of each parameter is clarified and a low excitation limited controller parameter identification scheme is proposed and applied to engineering practice. The physical meaning of the open-loop gain parameter of excitation system and the method of determining the measured gain are discussed in depth. The gain setting method of excitation controller and the phase shift trigger mode of rectifier are investigated. The physical links and link gain parameters related to the open-loop comprehensive gain in the actual excitation system are analyzed. The influence of the reference value of the excitation winding resistance in the excitation model on the gain calculation results and the correction method are discussed. The effect of commutative voltage drop of rectifier on the calculation of open-loop comprehensive gain of excitation system is analyzed, and a method of calculating open-loop comprehensive gain based on scale-unitary excitation winding current is proposed.


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