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发布时间:2018-01-24 02:02

  本文关键词: 电弧故障检测装置 自动测试 AFDD试验 分断时间 数据采集 出处:《杭州电子科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:电弧故障检测装置(arc fault detection devices简称AFDD)是一种新型电器保护装置,主要用于预防电弧故障引起的火灾。因电弧故障的发生与电路中电流大小没有必然关系,电路中的过流保护装置不能有效防止电弧故障引发火灾,如果将AFDD串联至电路中,就能及时发现电弧故障并断开回路,从而避免火灾的发生。在AFDD产品的试验测试中,因为试验类型比较多,人工操作每次测试都必须对照测试规范进行操作,不但浪费时间而且容易出现误操作。本论文研究开发软件控制的AFDD自动测试系统,可以很好地解决以上问题。本论文开发的自动测试系统硬件上主要由工控机/工控卡和试验电路组成,工控机上的测试软件按照AFDD产品的相关要求,通过工控卡控制试验电路中的继电器开关自动按序断开或闭合,对AFDD产品执行各个相应的试验步骤。试验过程中测试软件一直采集试验电路的电流数据,直到AFDD装置断开电路时自动停止采集,并通过软件示波器显示波形,从而能通过观测试验电路的电流变化波形得出AFDD分断时间,判断AFDD产品功能是否符合产品相关标准要求。整个自动测试系统可快速、准确、自动地进行试验并对AFDD产品的性能进行评估。试验电路可以通过不同的继电器开关及顺序(试验步骤),模拟出各种负载情况和电弧故障发生情况,因此在试验电路内不接入待测AFDD产品的情况下,其电弧故障特征数据对电弧故障检测算法研究是十分有用的。如果能够采集并记录这些数据,可为算法研究积累大量的原始数据,形成电弧数据库。因此,本文还设计了数据采集终端,将数据采集终端接入自动测试系统中,使本文设计的自动测试系统具备电弧故障特征数据采集功能:工控机上的测试软件通过工控卡控制试验电路中的继电器开关及开关顺序,控制执行每一项试验,由数据采集终端将试验电路的电流信号转变为多个电弧故障特征信号并对这些信号采集,以建立用于电弧故障检测算法研究的电弧数据库。论文完成的主要工作有:(1)设计了AFDD自动测试系统的结构,将其分为自动测试系统主体和数据采集终端两个部分。(2)完成了自动测试系统主体部分试验电路的设计,包括负载的接入方式,实现负载共用的方法,互斥开关的设计,以及试验器材的选择等。(3)完成了自动测试系统主体部分测试软件的设计,包括操作和显示界面、试验电路继电器开关控制、试验电路电流采集与波形显示。(4)完成了数据采集终端硬件和软件设计,数据采集终端将单一的电流信号变换为多个通道的电弧故障特征信号,对多个通道同时采集,并以二进制流的格式将这些电弧故障特征数据实时存储到SD卡上,存储到SD卡上的二进制文件数据可通过文件格式转换工具转换为一定结构的文本文件,从而方便进行数据分析及算法数据的读取。对AFDD自动测试系统的实际测试表明,该系统能够完成预期的AFDD产品测试和电弧故障特征数据采集的功能。
[Abstract]:Arc fault detection device (arc fault detection devices AFDD) is a new type of electrical protection devices, mainly used to prevent arcing fault caused the fire. Because of the size of current and arc fault in the circuit is not necessarily related, in the circuit overcurrent protection device can effectively prevent the arc fault caused a fire, if the AFDD series circuit to that can detect arc fault and disconnect the circuit, so as to avoid the occurrence of fire. In the testing of AFDD products, because the test type, manual operation of each test must control test specification for operation, not only a waste of time and prone to misoperation. The research and development of automatic test system software control AFDD, can solve the above problems. The hardware of automatic test system developed in this paper mainly by IPC / control card and test circuit, IPC test software in accordance with the relevant requirements of AFDD products, through the relay switch control circuit of the automatic test card in order to open or close to AFDD, the corresponding product implementation of test procedures. The test process test software has been collecting the test circuit of current data acquisition, automatic stop device disconnect circuit until AFDD when, and through the software oscilloscope waveform, which can change current through the observation circuit waveform obtained AFDD breaking time, determine the functions of AFDD products are in conformity with the requirements of product related standards. The automatic test system can quickly, accurately and automatically test and evaluate the performance of AFDD products. The test circuit through the relay switch and different order (step test), to simulate the load and arc fault occurs, so do not access in the test circuit in test AFDD The product under the condition of the arc fault data of arc fault detection algorithm is very useful. If you can collect and record the data, can accumulate a lot of data for the research on the algorithm of arc forming database. Therefore, this paper also designed the data acquisition terminal, the data acquisition terminal automatic test system. The automatic test system is designed in this paper has the characteristics of arc fault data acquisition function: test software of IPC on card relay switch and sequence control in the test circuit by computer control, executing every test, by the data acquisition terminal will change the current signal test circuit for multiple arc fault signal and the signal acquisition, to establish database research for arc arc fault detection algorithm. The main works include: (1) the design of automatic test system AFDD The structure of the automatic test system and the data collection terminal main body two parts. (2) completed the design of the main part of the test circuit automatic test system, including the access mode of the load, the load sharing method, design exclusive switch, and test equipment selection (3) completed the design. The main part of the test software automatic testing system, including the operation and display interface circuit test, relay switch control, waveform acquisition and test circuit of current display. (4) completed the design of the terminal hardware and software of data acquisition, data acquisition terminal current signal transform single arc fault characteristic signals of a plurality of channels, at the same time of acquisition a plurality of channels, and a binary stream format the arc fault feature data storage to the SD card, stored in a binary file data on the SD card through the file format conversion tool The text file is converted to a certain structure, so as to facilitate data analysis and algorithm data reading. The actual test of AFDD automatic test system shows that the system can accomplish the expected AFDD product test and arc fault feature data acquisition function.



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