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发布时间:2018-01-24 13:31

  本文关键词: 文检仪 步进电机 P89C669 P89LPC922 控制系统 出处:《北京交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近几十年来,随着各国学者对文检技术的研究,文检技术得到了很大提高,但由于文件制成时间检验受到多方面因素的影响,文检技术仍然具有很多难点。文检技术在各种案件纠纷中发挥着重要作用,用于文件制成时间检验的文件制成时间检验仪,简称文检仪,也得到了广泛的应用。 通过在要检验文件的文字上添加一定量的化学试剂,通过化学反应,再进行相应的分析,可以实现文件时间检验。本文设计的基于单片机的步进电机控制系统,可以应用在文检仪中。步进电机将接收到的数字脉冲信号转换成线位移或者角位移,具有很好的定位精度;采用单片机实现对电机的控制,具有输出脉冲准确、实时性强和功能灵活等优点,并且简化了硬件线路,降低了成本,提高了系统的可靠性。从而将该步进电机控制系统应用在文检仪中,可以实现注液器的准确定位和注液量的精确控制,以及物镜、转台等的精确调节。通过该步进电机控制系统,可以准确地实现在文件的检测位置上精确添加一定量的化学试剂。 本文系统地介绍了步进电机控制系统,包括各功能模块的选择方案论证、设计和调试。该系统主要由上位机人机交互界面模块,串口通信模块,主控模块,6个被控模块以及6个电机驱动模块构成。 上位机人机交互界面是通过使用VC++6.0软件完成设计的。主控模块选择Philips公司推出的单片机P89C669作为微处理器完成设计,通过硬件电路的设计和软件部分的设计实现指令的接收,分析和发送等功能。被控模块选择Philips公司推出的单片机P89LPC922作为微处理器完成设计,实现了与主控模块之间的通信、指令的接收和发送等功能。串口通信模块采用集成芯片MAX232设计,实现TTL标准电平与EIA标准电平的转换。电机驱动模块则采用芯片L289N实现电路设计,接收被控模块的控制脉冲,并驱动步进电机的运行。 最后通过对各功能模块的调试及功能模块之间数据通信的调试,验证了该系统能够实现对电机运行状态的精确控制,从而确保文检仪能够实现注液、物镜、转台等的精确调节。
[Abstract]:In recent decades, with the research of document checking technology, the document retrieval technology has been greatly improved, but due to the time of document making, it is affected by many factors. Document checking technology still has a lot of difficulties. Document inspection technology plays an important role in all kinds of case disputes. It has also been widely used. By adding a certain amount of chemical reagents to the text of the document to be examined, and through the chemical reaction, the corresponding analysis is carried out. The stepper motor control system based on single chip microcomputer can be used in the document checker. The step motor converts the received digital pulse signal into linear displacement or angular displacement. Good positioning accuracy; The single chip microcomputer is used to control the motor, which has the advantages of accurate output pulse, strong real-time and flexible function, and simplifies the hardware circuit and reduces the cost. The reliability of the system is improved, so that the stepper motor control system can be applied to the instrument, which can realize the accurate location of the injector and the accurate control of the liquid injection quantity, as well as the objective lens. Through the step motor control system, we can accurately add a certain amount of chemical reagents to the detecting position of the file. This paper systematically introduces the stepper motor control system, including the selection, demonstration, design and debugging of each functional module. The system is mainly composed of upper computer man-machine interface module, serial communication module, main control module. Six controlled modules and six motor driving modules are formed. The man-machine interface of the host computer is designed by using VC 6.0 software. The main control module selects P89C669 of Philips company as the microprocessor to complete the design. The instruction is received through the design of hardware circuit and software part. Analysis and transmission functions. The controlled module selected the MCU P89LPC922 from Philips Company as the microprocessor to complete the design, and realized the communication with the main control module. The serial communication module is designed by integrated chip MAX232. The motor drive module uses the chip L289N to realize the circuit design, receives the controlled module control pulse, and drives the step motor operation. Finally, through the debugging of each functional module and the debugging of the data communication between the functional modules, it is verified that the system can realize the accurate control of the running state of the motor, so as to ensure that the instrument can realize the liquid injection and objective lens. Precise adjustment of turntable, etc.


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