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发布时间:2018-01-27 15:16

  本文关键词: 混煤 掺混方式 分磨磨制 优化研究 经济性 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国的电力工业发展迅猛,火力发电的装机容量越来越大。对煤炭的消耗需求越来越大,大型电站锅炉往往不可能燃用单一煤种,而是燃用两种或多种燃煤。在全国,火力发电用煤占原煤总消耗比例越来越高。近几年,由于电煤紧张的局面日趋严峻,掺烧现象日益普遍。从这一点出发,寻求一种混煤燃烧的最优掺混方式,优化混煤燃烧,,来提高锅炉效率,节约成本,对当代燃煤电厂尤为重要。 本文介绍了混煤燃烧的几种不同掺混方式,并提出了混煤掺烧方式的灰色聚类判别法。介绍了电厂中四角切圆燃烧配中储式制粉系统锅炉的结构特点,通过试验分析,对劣质无烟煤与优质贫煤或正常混煤的不同掺烧方式下的经济性进行比较,进行了高硫煤最佳掺配比的试验摸索。对300MW四角切圆锅炉无烟煤和正常煤种的不同掺混方式进行对比试验研究。对“W”型火焰锅炉无烟煤不同掺混方式进行对比研究,同时对“W”型火焰锅炉无烟煤贫煤“炉前掺混”和“分磨磨制”两种掺混方式进行对比研究。作为正压直吹式制粉系统的另一个应用炉型,对电厂对冲墙式燃烧超临界锅炉的混煤掺烧探索,对对冲燃烧锅炉进行了无烟煤和贫煤的不同布置方式的比较分析,通过逐级增加无烟煤掺烧比例,定量确定了锅炉燃烧效率和稳定性较好前提下的无烟煤掺烧比。 本文重点研究了不同形式的煤粉掺混方式。对电厂“炉前掺混,炉内掺烧”和“分磨磨制,炉内掺烧”两种不同制备方式磨制的混煤进行了燃烧试验,结果表明,由于“分磨磨制,炉内掺烧”的混煤方式中不同的磨磨制不同的煤,可以根据煤和制粉过程的特点有针对性的进行优化配置,改善区域燃烧环境,增强稳定性,使得含有低挥发分的混煤的燃尽性能提高,取得了较好的安全和经济效果。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the electric power industry of our country has developed rapidly, the installed capacity of thermal power generation has become larger and larger, and the demand for coal consumption is increasing, so it is often impossible for large utility boilers to burn a single coal. But burning two or more kinds of coal. In the whole country, the proportion of coal used for thermal power to the total consumption of raw coal is increasing. In recent years, because of the tense situation of thermal coal, the phenomenon of mixed burning is becoming more and more common. It is very important for modern coal-fired power plants to seek an optimal blending mode of mixed coal combustion and optimize mixed coal combustion to improve boiler efficiency and save cost. In this paper, several different blending modes of coal blending combustion are introduced, and the grey cluster discriminant method of blending coal combustion mode is put forward. The structural characteristics of the boiler in power plant with four tangential tangential combustion and middle storage pulverizing system are introduced in this paper. Through experimental analysis, the economy of inferior anthracite is compared with that of inferior anthracite and high quality lean coal or normal mixed coal. The optimum blending ratio of high sulfur coal was tested and groped. The contrast test of different mixing modes between anthracite and normal coal in 300MW tangential boiler was carried out. "W" A comparative study on different mixing modes of anthracite in type B flame boiler was carried out. At the same time, two mixing ways of "mixing before furnace" and "grinding separately" of anthracite lean coal in "W" type flame boiler are compared and studied. It is another application furnace type of positive pressure direct-blow pulverizing system. In this paper, the mixed coal blending of the wall combustion supercritical boiler in power plant is explored, and the different arrangement modes of anthracite and lean coal are compared and analyzed, and the proportion of anthracite blending is increased step by step. The anthracite blending ratio of boiler combustion efficiency and stability is determined quantitatively. This paper focuses on the study of different forms of pulverized coal blending. The combustion tests are carried out on two different preparation methods of power plant "mixing before furnace, mixing in furnace" and "grinding separately" and "mixing with pulverized coal in furnace". The results show that because of the different grinding and grinding different coal in the mixing mode of "separate grinding, mixed burning in furnace", the optimized configuration can be carried out according to the characteristics of coal and pulverized coal making process, and the combustion environment of the region can be improved. The stability is enhanced, and the burnout performance of mixed coal with low volatilization is improved, and better safety and economic results are obtained.


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